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Alex's POV

"You can't just drop that you're pregnant on me and expect me not to show up!" Allie exclaimed as we sat in my living room. I handed her a bottle of water before sitting beside her on my couch. She's been fussing at me since she got here.

"Okay look, I wasn't even going to tell you. Mainly because I don't know what the fuck I'm doing and I didn't expect to just have a baby say poof hi I'm here in your belly out of nowhere."
"And this is exactly why condoms were invented and as much sex as you and hottie senior were having, you should've been on birth control." Allie says with a smirk playing on her lips.

"I- Allie! Y/n wore a condom every time. I'm sure of it. She keeps like 5 in her wallet at all times. Which, now I think about it is concerning because that means she's probably having a lot of sex and- oh no! Allie what if she gave me an STD or something and- shit!"
"Okay, pause, breathe. I'm pretty sure if she did, you would know. And no one told you to go hop on the girls snake? Is that the right disguise word? I mean we're both adults I could say the word but, you're with child." Allie points at my belly.

"You're so annoying." I groaned as I closed my eyes and leaned my head back. "I actually don't know what I'm going to do. Like how do you tell a kid that they're having a baby?"
"You could look at those 16 and pregnant videos on YouTube for some advice I mean, they're in the kid category." Allie shrugged.
"I'm not 16."
"I'm just trying to help you and honestly, stop freaking out and just tell her."

"What if she just says she's not going to help- and fuck. Her parents. Why didn't you talk me out of sleeping with her!"

"The damage had already been done, don't pin this on me this was all you boo boo. But, Al, we'll figure this out. But the first thing you have to do is tell Y/n. She deserves to know she's having a baby."

I sighed before playing with my fingers. That's the one thing I don't want to do. Telling Y/n is going to be bad. She'll probably freak out and leave me all alone. Transfer schools. Why am I so stupid?

. . .

Y/n's POV

"Is it just me or is O'Hara being more of a bitch today than usual?" I whispered to Nolan. "No no, she's being more of a bitch. I didn't even think that was possible." I nodded in agreement before facing back to the front before she could notice we were talking.

It's like someone stuck something up her ass. She always takes her own issues out on us. She noticeably became more of a bitch a little bit after I found out she's engaged to Alex. I couldn't help but to feel a little guilty. I mean, it's mainly my fault. Well somewhat. Alex could've said no. She didn't have to have sex with me.

I just feel like the least Alex could have done was tell me she was engaged. I don't like breaking up couples. I mean it isn't the first time I've done it and I'm pretty sure Alex and Kelley are still together so maybe there isn't too much to worry about. I decided to keep my head down for the day in Kelley's class. Her favorite thing to do is send me to Alex's office and that's where I do not want to go.

As the bell rang I raced out of class to meet up with Sophia. We have plans. Plans I am very excited about because I feel like I haven't had sex in a very long time even though it's only been about a day or so.

.  .  .

"What are you doing home? Aren't you supposed to be shadowing Addison today?" My mom asked as I walked out of my room. I just got out of school and I was supposed to be at the hospital. Or on my way. "Yeah I just came to drop off my stuff. Is dad at work?"
"Yeah, you might want to get going."
"I know I know." I say as I changed my shoes and headed back out to my car.

After a 15-20 minute drive, I made it to the hospital. Since my mom was off, she let me take her parking pass so I could park where the doctors park without getting towed.

I walked into the hospital and headed to the Attending's Lounge where Addison told me she'd meet me. As I walked in I could hear Meredith, Alex, and Jackson laughing.

"Sheesh you guys are loud I could hear you down the hall." I said making my presence known as the three turned themselves around to face me. A smile plastered across all of their faces before Meredith came over giving me a hug followed by Alex and Jackson.

"We hear you're shadowing Satan." Alex smiled making me nod. "We don't call her Satan anymore Alex." Mere corrects him. "I liked Satan" Addison smirked as she walked into the lounge.
"Well when you're finished learning about babies, you should shadow your dad and I, join the plastics posse." Jackson smiled.
"Only if you buy me a boat." I reply quickly.
"I can't af-"
"Jackson we all know you can afford the boat. You can just give her the one you have. But, why don't you shadow me? I work with kids. You like kids." Alex smiled. "You can deal with the babies later. Come hang with the Peds surgeons. We're the best."

"Except for the fact that she's a Grey, like me and she'll be working with me in General."
"Isn't she technically a Sloan? So she'd be working with me. Plastics. Get over it Mere I win." Jackson butts back in.
"By default, her dad runs Plastics."

"Okay, hate to cut your obnoxious argument short but, we have patients. Plus, she wants to work with me and become a Neonatal and Fetal surgeon. I'm a double board certified OB/GYN. I automatically win." Addison says smugly before guiding me out of the lounge. This should be fun.

My parents think it's time for me to shadow and try to get a feel for which specialty I'll want to dive into. My dad wants me to do Plastics so I can work with him and Jackson and my mom wants me to do Neuro so I can work with her, Derek, and Amelia.

Meanwhile, Meredith thinks I should keep up the Grey line and go into General while her best friend and one of my favorite people on this planet, Cristina Yang, tries to recruit me to Switzerland to do Cardio.  Talk about pressure.

A/n: Just a filler :) You'll be getting a chapter tomorrow (Wednesday), Thursday, and hopefully Friday :) I've been super busy lately so I've had to delay my writing. What do you think of Y/n shadowing Addison? 👀

𝐏𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐂𝐈𝐏𝐀𝐋 𝐌𝐎𝐑𝐆𝐀𝐍 [Alex Morgan |GxG]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant