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Y/n's POV

I arrived to the hospital and I didn't see Addison yet. I looked around with panic written on my face when I see the automatic doors open with Alex on the gurney and Addison right behind the EMT's barking orders. They took her to one of the trauma bays and everyone that was at my house soon fled in to the ER.

My parents wrapped their arms around me as Addison stopped in front of me. "Y/n, she's unconscious and it looks bad. That's all I'm going to tell you until I know anything else." She places her hand in mine giving it a firm squeeze.

Addison walked into the trauma bay leaving me outside the door. I really didn't want to talk to my parents because, well, I was scared and my concern was on Alex and my child at the moment. Arizona walks into the trauma bay followed by April and Meredith.

I knew there wasn't anything I could do for her right now so I stood outside the trauma bay watching through the glass doors. "Do you want to go sit down or get some-" my mom begins. "No, I just- I want to stay right here." I say. My mom placed her hand in mine and I felt at that moment I would just crumble. I kept myself together because I knew if I folded, they'd move me away.

Addison and Arizona were sharing looks as Schmitt grabbed the ultrasound handing the transducer probe to Arizona.

Addison's POV

"Schmitt quickly please. Make sure that IV is in! We have no time to waste people. There's a baby in here. Someone page Derek and Amelia we need neuro-"
"Dr. Montgomery, Dr. Grey-Sloan is right there she's a neuro-"
"Schmitt I know that but she needs to be with her daughter, page Derek and Amelia."

Arizona grabbed the transducer probe and beginning to check on the baby as Alex's vitals began to fluctuate.
Meredith and April call my name causing Arizona and I to pause and look over at the two. "Wha-"
There was blood which could mean a numerous amount of things but, with Alex being pregnant, she could be losing this baby.
"Shit. Kepner call the OR now. Let's move! Arizona I could use the extra hands. Schmitt tell Derek and Amelia to meet me in the OR."
Arizona nods as she hands her purse off to Schmitt before grabbing her scrub cap and Schmitt begins to page the Shepherds.

We began to wheel Alex out of the trauma bay and my eyes locked on Y/n and I could see all the worry on her face. I stopped as they began to run Alex to the elevator. "Y/n, I promise you I will do everything I can but Alex is hemorrhaging from the looks of it and, just prepare yourself. There may be something wrong with the baby. I have to go."

I ran to catch up with my team before the elevator opened. Oh how this night has taken a wild turn.

Y/n's POV

"Y/n, there's nothing else you can do here. Let's go sit down, you can take a breath, I'll get you some food-"
I began to nod when Owen comes in with another person on a gurney.
"Female, mid 20s, crush injuries from an MVC, related to the pregnant woman. Firefighters just pulled her out from her car. She's conscious and stable. Head laceration."
"Thank you, someone page Bailey or Grey we have a blunt injury to the abdomen and get neuro- oh never mind, Lexie."

My mom let's go of me running over to Owen. As she walks over and quickly puts on gloves and an isolation gown. "Pupils are reactive but I'm worried about that head lac I'll need a CT and Mark, you may need to come patch this up."

My dad walks me over with him to the trauma bay where they brought the woman in. As we got closer, I stopped. "Okay, just stand here." My dad says as he throws on a gown and gloves to observe the head laceration.
Jo was hooking the woman up to the IV and monitors.

𝐏𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐂𝐈𝐏𝐀𝐋 𝐌𝐎𝐑𝐆𝐀𝐍 [Alex Morgan |GxG]Where stories live. Discover now