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Alex's POV

Y/n and I have been stuck in the hospital for the past week because the babies were born prematurely and Addison wanted to take extra precautions before letting us take them home. She also wanted to make sure I was okay because I just pushed two babies out of my vagina. Y/n has missed a whole week of school. I tried to reason with her to go but, I understand why she didn't. Now, she's going to be a week behind. It's not like she has anyone that can take her place at school like I do. She needs to be there, her senior year is coming to a close.

Y/n and I sat in the bed together just admiring the sleeping twins. Charlie and Chandler, they became our worlds in such a short amount of time. Y/n was dreading the fact that she couldn't show them off to the world just yet. Mark and Lexie have been such a big help to us. They've taken night shifts to watch the twins so Y/n and I could get some sleep or, they'd come in before their shifts and help out. It was nice to know at least one set of grandparents cared to be around my kids.

My sisters have been here when they could be which I was tremendously grateful for. It was nice to have some of my own family around. Y/n's family has just fully embraced me. Megan and Allie stop by every now and then. Y/n and I looked up as Addison walked in with Y/n's parents. "So, I'm discharging the three of you today. You finally get to go home!"

"Oh, thank God!"

I'm really a mom.

. . .


I stood in my office looking through some final paperwork that I had to submit. Everything had to be perfect today. I was super busy today. I missed my kids, I missed my girlfriend, my job today, you would think, would be slightly simple but, it's the opposite. I heard a knock on my door and my secretary came in bringing in my fully pressed graduation gown hanging it on my rack.

It's graduation day. This day was bittersweet for me. I was sad mainly because Y/n wouldn't be here next school year but, this was my first year as principal here. My first graduating class. I will say, I've become exceptionally close with a lot of these students. My goal before I started working here was to not just be the authoritative and disciplinary figure these students needed but, a friend. Someone they could trust and turn to. A lot of these students have hard times outside of school so, they needed someone in their corner, why not me?

I never expected what has transpired, to transpire. I found the love of my life at this school. Today was going to be an emotional roller coaster for me. All day long, I've had seniors coming in and out of my office dropping off gifts and telling me thank you for being here for them, for building a bond with them. Education goes far beyond the classroom, I'm a hands on principal, I want to be involved. I think all of the students here saw that.

My school has the most graduating seniors in the district and I pride myself on that. I think I did a good job pushing students to be the best version of themselves. Despite some of the hiccups along the way. I'm so grateful for this place.

I walked through the halls, greeting students in the halls, taking pictures with students who stopped me along the way, before heading to the field to see if everything was set up. The stage was put together, everything seemed to be falling into place. Y/n was at her parents house getting ready and I couldn't wait to see her. I'm so proud of her. She's one of the constant things on my mind besides our kids. I smiled to myself just thinking about our little family.

After tonight, Y/n and I can be free to love each other in the open. I think that's what I was mainly excited for. Getting to be with her in public, hold her hand in public, kiss her whenever I want to without any repercussions.

𝐏𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐂𝐈𝐏𝐀𝐋 𝐌𝐎𝐑𝐆𝐀𝐍 [Alex Morgan |GxG]Where stories live. Discover now