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Alex's POV

I walked out of the bathroom after showering. I just came back from the homecoming dance and Kelley is the last person I want to see. All I see is a hypocrite when I look at her. All I see is Emily's lips on my fiancé.

I walked to my drawer to grab a shirt and Kelley spoke up. "Hello to you too." She said with some sass in her voice. I stayed with my back turned to her not engaging in conversation with her. She kept talking and I kept ignoring her. There's nothing she should be saying to me other than I'm sorry.

"So you're just going to ignore me? You do realize you cheated on me right? I should be the one ignoring you since you can't seem to keep your legs-"

"Jesus Kelley! Shut up!" I yelled. I could feel the anger and pain building up inside of me. "I'm ignoring you because you're a fucking hypocrite! I'm ignoring you because you've treated me like shit and you've been going behind my back and having a whole other relationship! And don't try to act like you weren't because I saw you with Emily! And you had the nerve to make out with her on my campus!"

Kelley was stunned as she sat up in bed. I felt a weight lifted off my chest. The only person coming to mind is Y/n and how I wish I was in her arms right now.

"Don't turn shit on me when you cheated on me first, Alex! Did you just seem to forget that?!"
"No I didn't forget, I know what I did Kelley. Not like you'd let me forget anyway. What I do know is you weren't in Georgia either Kelley! Your mom called. Next time you lie maybe consider informing her."

Kelley's mouth was left slightly opened. She had no words for me now.
"Exactly. So, who were you with? Emily? Gosh I'm so stupid I should've listened to Allie about you. You've been screwing some bitch for months now Kelley! All the times you've pushed me away and- gosh I'm so stupid."

I turned away from her as I felt my tears beginning to stream down my face. The room was quiet when I looked in my open dresser noticing something missing. I wiped my tears before moving things around in my drawer.

"Looking for this?" Kelley said. Her voice cracked and I turned around seeing her with my pregnancy test in hand. "Yeah, nothing to say now huh? You're a slut and a piece of shit Alex. Cheating is one thing but getting pregnant? You disgust me." Kelley says as she tossed the test at me.

Did she really just call me a slit and say I disgust her?

"Get out." I muttered. "What?"
"Get out!" I yelled. "Gladly." Kelley said before getting up and going to the closet to grab her suitcase. She began packing clothes away as she threw on a hoodie. I took my ring off as she zipped up her suitcase and placed it on the bed.

"No need in wearing that anymore." I mumbled. "I'll be back for the rest of my stuff later. This shits over." Kelley said as she closed the door. I knew exactly where she'd be going. To Emily. I basically just gave her what she wanted. I gave up Y/n to salvage this relationship even though she was cheating on me. I knew we'd end up breaking up and I still gave up Y/n.

I sat on my bed and a flood of tears came out of me. I couldn't hold it in anymore. Kelley was supposed to be the love of my life and although that spark was gone and I knew it, I couldn't bring myself to leave her. She was meant to be my happily ever after.

. . .

Sitting in my office, I couldn't stop thinking about last nights events. Today, I didn't want to deal with anyone. I also have my first appointment scheduled for after school today. I hoped to God that Y/n didn't get in trouble but then again, seeing her wouldn't be such a bad thing. I could use her right now. I just wanted to cry it out in her arms. All my emotions all the pain I felt. She's who I want right now.

I decided to go out for some fresh air and as I walked out of the office, I saw Y/n and Sophia making out under a tree. Great. Way to add on to my pain. It frustrated me seeing them together. All I want is Y/n but Sophia is in my way. I was finally free from Kelley and I could have Y/n right now but I fucked that up.

She's all I want and more right now. I still haven't even told her I'm pregnant yet. Really tacky right? She's my baby mama and she doesn't even know. I had the chance but, wrong place wrong time. All I know is, I don't want to do this alone but, from the looks of it, that's how it might be.

. . .

"So the fetus is healthy, strong heartbeat which is always a really good sign. I do think we should schedule some future appointments so I can keep an eye on the little one up until their due date."
I smiled and nodded at my OB.
"So, here are your pictures." Carina said as she handed me the ultrasound pictures. Looking at my baby and finally seeing it, it brought my day around completely.
"Alex, I strongly suggest, since this is your first pregnancy, some support. It'll be harder alone."

If she only knew.

"Yeah I know I'm just better off alone for now. But I do have my family to lean on."

Pft, I haven't even told them Kelley and I are no longer together.

"Okay, I just wanted to make sure you had someone in your corner. Before you head out, my nurse will schedule your appointment."
"Thank you, Dr. DeLuca." I smiled at the woman as she squeezed my hand giving me a warm smile and held the door open for me so I could go to the nurses desk. Did I mention how attractive her Italian accent is? She's also kind of hot and I'm on the market now.

After scheduling my appointment, I walked out to my car and called Allie. Guess she can be the first to know since she was right about Kelley.

When Allie finally answered the phone, a wave of emotions came over me and I began to cry not even getting any words out fully.

"Al? What's wrong? Oh no, did you get fired?"
"What? No, I- Allie you were right. She was cheating on me." I said as I finally got myself together. I couldn't help but to sigh.
"I know you don't want to hear this but, I told you so. But look at the bright side, now you can be with Y/n and live happily ever after after she turns 18!" Allie said trying to cheer me up.
"Yeah except for the fact that we aren't a thing anymore. I kind of broke things off with her to fix things with Kelley until I saw Kelley cheat on me and now Y/n is back with her fuck buddy and I'm all alone."  I said beginning to cry again.
"Well you did that to yourself. Look, I'm pretty sure Y/n will give you another chance. You'll be okay."
"Not when I tell her."
"Tell her what?"
"That I'm pregnant." I mumbled.
"YOU'RE WHAT?!" Allie yelled into the phone.

A/n: Little filler and sorry yes I know it was all Alex :) but what do y'all want to see next ? 👀👀 hit me with some bizarre dramatic ideas and I just might make them happen. Also might not update until later this week lol don't know yet.

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