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Y/n's POV

I walked into the room to see Alex sprawled out on our bed. "Tired?" I asked as I bent down by my wife's face. "Yes, how'd your finals go?" Alex asked as she sat up in our bed. "I aced it."

"Aww baby- I'd be more enthusiastic if I wasn't so tired. I'm sorry."

"You don't have to apologize babe, toddlers are toddlers. But, lucky for you, you get a break now because, no more school for me until next semester. "Okay, this is totally off topic but, I am in desperate need of a foot massage." Alex looked over at me with pleading eyes. "Okay." Alex smiled and moved over so I could get in the bed. "Actually, I need to shower."

"So, no massage?"

"If you get in the shower with me, I can massage something else." I smirked. Alex quickly got up and stripped on her way to our shared bathroom. "Hurry up and get over here, this is the most adult thing I get to do today besides taking care of our kids."

She's very eager and I like it. It's been nice thus far. Two years into our marriage, we celebrated the twins' birthday and I've been enjoying this life I'm living. Everyday, I get to wake up to the love of my life and our two kids. Alex and I are done with babies for now. We're both fans of big families and we've. decided our limit is 4. I'm just happy I get to do life with her. What more could I ask for? My life is amazing!

. . .

Alex's POV

So far today, I spent the morning with my sisters, my children, and my niece and nephew. The twins get to grow up around their two cousins which I'm very fortunate for on my end and then of course, Y/n's huge family.

That's one thing I've embraced since our marriage. Y/n's family just welcomed me in like I've been here all along. We all get along really well, my sisters come around a lot, what more could I ask for?

I knew Y/n would be at the hospital all day. She's shadowing still to make her medical school application look good. She's been shadowing her dad and Jackson as of late after shadowing her mom and Derek all last year. Today, Y/n was being handed the big ropes. With Mark not at the hospital today, it left Jackson in charge and he was letting her input on some cases.

I decided, just out of the kindness of my heart, and because I love my wife, she's also been so amazing lately, well she always is, I would just order some dinner, get some balloons, light some candles, I just feel she deserves something nice as hard as she's been working.

. . .

Y/n's POV

"That was disgusting and awesome at the same time." I said as I collapsed onto the couch in the attending's lounge. Jackson began to pour himself some coffee and Jo walked into the lounge with Bailey. "Why do you have that look on your face?" Jo asked as she sat next to me on the couch. "Jackson let me assist him in a debridement on someone's face. It was literally coming off!"

"Ahh so you really are following in your dad's footsteps, two Sloans in the hospital, I'll have to get used to this. Are you a manwhore- woman whore too?"

"Yes she is." Jackson and Jo say at the same time. "Double the trouble then." Bailey shakes her head. "Well I'm married and in my father's defense, he wasn't married when you two first met."

"Don't pull an Arizona and Addison." I couldn't help but to laugh at Bailey. Wow, I do have some bad role models around me. "Be like Jackson, he doesn't do much wrong."

𝐏𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐂𝐈𝐏𝐀𝐋 𝐌𝐎𝐑𝐆𝐀𝐍 [Alex Morgan |GxG]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat