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Y/n's POV

I groaned as I walked into Kelley's class. I hate coming in here. The only good thing about her class is the fact that I get to go to lunch after it and that I often get kicked out and get to hang with Alex for the period. I don't understand why I'm in her class if I'm being completely honest.

Her class would be more tolerable if she wasn't such a bitch all the time and yes I know, I cause her to act like that sometimes because I can be a bit of a prick and I like to break rules.

I sat in my chair and tuned her out before going on my phone and sticking my AirPods in my ears. Out of nowhere, my phone is snatched out of my hand. "Outside, Sloan." Kelley says as she points to the door of the classroom. I groaned as I grabbed my backpack and followed her out the classroom.

"If you're going to come to my class, you could at least have the decency to pay attention. At this rate you're probably going to repeat this school year but, that's no surprise."
"Damn who stuck a pen up your ass?" I joked making her roll her eyes. "Go to the office."

"Yeah yeah yeah I know the drill. I need my phone back though." I say sticking my hand out. "You'll get it back from Principal Morgan." Kelley says but I quickly grab it out of her hand before making a mad dash to the office.

At least I can finally see what's up with Alex and I know a detention will be coming my way.

"Okay yes I know I deserve detention but, Kelley just automatically has it out for me it's like-"
"Ms. O'Hara, and knock before you come into my office." Alex says bluntly. Uh okay?

"Are you okay?" I ask as I sat in front of her. "Yes, sit."
"Are you sure? You've barely looked at me and you've been blowing me off lately. What did I do?"

Alex let's out a breath before placing her papers to the side. She stared into my eyes and I could see she was battling with something.

"Ms. Morgan, you're 12:30 is here." Her assistant says as she peaked her head in the office before Alex could speak. "Okay, Y/n just, go sit outside until the bell rings and come back after school. We need to talk."
"Uh, okay?" I say before grabbing my things and leaving her office. Why's she acting so weird?

. . .

I returned to Alex's office like she told me to. Something about her is off and I haven't figured out what it is yet. I know we aren't dating or anything but, I'm gaining feelings for her so, her shutting down on me and pushing me away is kind of annoying me.

I walked into her office and surprisingly she wasn't here. I closed the door behind me and dropped my backpack on her couch as I looked around her office looking at all the familiar things around here. She had her pictures up, some of her awards, and things from college. I see she went to Cal. No surprise there.

As I was about to take a seat, I saw a picture sticking out from underneath her desk. She must've dropped it. As I picked it up, my heart broke a little. Kelley? O'Hara? Seriously. It was a picture of Kelley down on one knee sliding a ring on Alex's finger.

Just then, Alex opened the door.
"You're engaged?!" I asked immediately as she quickly closed the door and looked at the picture in my hand.
Alex looked at me shocked and her eyes filled with worry.
"Are you engaged?!" I asked again.
"Yes, I'm- it's complicated and you and I, we're not talking about that right now. That's not why I told you to come back. So we're not talking about that."

"Yes we are, Alex! You've been engaged this whole time we've been fucking around haven't you?! And to Kelley of all people!"
"Lower your voice, Y/n." Alex says quietly. "Look-" she continues. "this whole thing has to stop. We're not having sex anymore, no more coming to my office and initiating any sexual interaction, just no more of what was going on. You and I, that thing we were doing, it's done. You and I are no longer an item or whatever you want to call that fling."

"Fling? Alex we've been screwing around for 2 months that's more than a fucking fling. You didn't seem to give a shit about what we were doing all this time so why the sudden change?!"

"I'm over this, I don't care for the sex anymore. It wasn't anything more than sex to me. Why continue to waste my time? I have a fiancé that I've been doing wrong by with you and I'm not doing that anymore."

I sucked my teeth as I stared at Alex. She can't be serious right now. After all this time, she now wants to call things off?

"So, what you're saying is you don't give a fuck about my feelings?" I say and I could feel the tears building up in my eyes.
"Don't do that and make me out to be the bad guy here because-"
"You are the bad guy here, Alex! I didn't tell you to cheat on Kelley! You did that on your own and you continued to do it and dragged me along! Meanwhile, here I am falling for you not knowing you're married. And you seemingly take your ring off whenever I'm around so, don't blame me for not knowing."

Alex's POV

Y/n's eyes were filled with tears as she stared at me. I could see the hurt in her eyes and all I wanted was to give her a hug and apologize for this mess.

"Y/n, why can't you just take what I said and go? We're done, I mean that. I don't feel anything for you and I never have." I lied.

My feelings for her were starting to blossom. I just couldn't risk myself falling for her. I love Kelley with my whole heart and I made a commitment to her. She's held up her end and I haven't done the same and I'm willing to take the time to put us back on track which means getting rid of what threw us off in the first place.

It hurt me more than I was showing. Y/n has made a place for herself in my heart. She's weaseled her way into my heart. I get butterflies at the sight of her. She makes me feel like me and here I am, breaking her heart. I know this whole thing was inappropriate to begin with, so in retrospect, I'm doing us both a favor.

"Alex, look at me and tell me you aren't falling for me like I'm falling for you." I stared back at Y/n and I knew I had to speak fast or I'd crumble.
"I don't feel anything for you and I'm not falling for you."
"That's total bullshit and you know it. Alex, I'm falling-"
"Don't finish that sentence." I interrupt her. Gosh I feel so cold. "This conversation is over and please don't come back here unless advised to. I'm in my place of work and I intend to keep it that way." I continued.

"That wasn't what you were saying when we had sex in your desk." Y/n replies.
"You can see yourself out." I say as I rounded my desk and sat in my chair without looking at her anymore.

I could feel her eyes on me before she grabbed her backpack and opened my door and slamming it behind her. All I wanted was to run after her and crash my lips against hers but, I know I can't do that anymore. I had to stop this before it went too far. I did the right thing. Now, I can fill focus on fixing things with Kelley.

No matter how much I'm hurting on the inside.
As I sat at my desk, I quickly turned in my chair before quickly going to my bathroom to throw up in the toilet. I shouldn't have had that sushi for lunch.

A/n: RIP TO Y/N AND ALEX :( how do y'all feel? Do you think Alex made the right choice? Should she have given Y/n another chance and just ended things with Kelley? Thoughts?

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