The Fury

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

Hands were behind his head, and his knees were pointed upwards. His right was crossed over his left while his right foot tapped in rhythm to the quiet around him. He only could hear his own breathing and that of his sister's. She had fallen asleep awhile ago, but he suspected that if he wanted her she would wake up within a heartbeat or less. At the moment, though, he was letting his thoughts consume him as he tapped his foot up and down.

Underneath him was the sheet of his bed, and he made no effort to cover himself with it even though the nights were growing cooler with the approach of autumn. He'd rather feel the weather's cool touch and let it keep him awake a little bit longer. Then again, his thoughts were already providing him that wakeful state.

Still, it was nice to imagine that the cool air was the delicate fingers of his beloved. Just the mental image of (f/n) gliding her fingers across his bare chest and arms was enough to make his heart swell and his desire to have her next to him increase all the more. The thought of being married to her delighted him even more, especially since he wouldn't even be wearing his beige braies if that were the case. Rather, they would be lying next to each other, completely vulnerable. How he would love to be in that position with her.

Unfortunately, that lovely thought vanished from his mind as soon as another thought entered his head. It pertained to that fact that (f/n) hadn't talked to him after she had seen him in the fields. Rather, she stayed farther away from him, and the knight and she only went out to bathe if they were certain that he was working in the smithy. His father still advised for him to give (f/n) up and simply to be happy for her that she had found someone who would take care of her well, and that angered him to no end.

No one could care for (f/n) like he could. They had been friends since childhood while the knight only had entered the picture over a month ago. How did that knight know (f/n) better than him?! It didn't make any sense to him. Perhaps if (f/n) hadn't been fantasizing about that knight since they were seven, she wouldn't have fallen ... she wouldn't have liked the knight so much. Maybe, she would've given him a chance despite the conflict of their trades.

Why hadn't he stopped her from thinking about the knight back then? He shouldn't have just listened and seemed disinterested. No, he should've told her to drop the knight and focus on her life in the village, not some knight she didn't even really know. What would've topped that off was if the knight had died in the war. Then, (f/n) never would've met him, and that silly surcoat project of hers would've been for naught. She would've been greatly saddened, but she would've moved on; she would've seen him as more than a friend once the knight was permanently removed from the picture.

That thought drove him to wait for the pixies more. They could remove the knight without him getting into trouble. Yes, (f/n) would be more heartbroken than she would've been as a child or even before the knight ever had showed up in Levonshire, but she would move on. She would seek consolation, and their relationship would bloom. It had to. There was no other option; he wouldn't allow there to be. Yes, it would take time, and he would have to give her space at first, but he slowly would work his way back into her life and get her to talk to him again.

Thankfully, autumn would be here within the next week. To his benefit, the two of them weren't married yet either. They hadn't even made an announcement about such an arrangement yet. Most likely, even if they made one tomorrow, they wouldn't get married until the following week. He just hoped that the pixies would come out as soon as autumn hit. It should be cold enough within the next week. If it wasn't ... Well, he couldn't let them marry. He refused to let (f/n) consummate a marriage with that wretched knight.

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