The Revealing

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.


Swiftly, Emorie looked up and over her head. His eyes searched the darkness with ease, and he saw a group of villagers heading right for them. Emorie pulled away from her a little bit until his hands rested on her shoulders gently. He averted his eyes down to hers. "(F/n), they'll see us soon. I ..."

Before he even could finish, she interrupted, "I'm coming with you." There was no hesitation in her answer, and her (e/c) gaze was firm and unyielding. Slightly, a small smile fell onto his lips, and his heart beat a little faster. "I just found you again. I can return later. Just for now," her hands gripped his, even his left one, "tell me what happened. Find a place where we can talk in private." She didn't know if such a place existed nearby, especially with the villagers looking for Jacob and now her too, but she hoped that he had something in mind.

With no resistance, he nodded his head. He'd make sure that she got back to the village safely, but he would make sure that he wasn't seen; he'd hide while she walked the street and returned home later. For now, he was grateful that she wasn't running away and screaming. She was doing so much more than that, and he too wanted to discuss things with her so that she knew the truth. Emorie wished to know her reaction once she heard all of it, and he hoped that it wouldn't separate her from him.

Hoping that such a dreadful thing wouldn't happen, he wasted no more time, and he picked her up as a husband would carry his wife on their wedding day. For a moment, her eyes widened at the sudden action, but she soon wrapped her arms around his neck and held on. If he could jump through trees, she wondered what else he could do to escape the oncoming villagers. Within less than a second, she found out.

Air whipped past them, and she clung all the tighter to him. She tucked her face into his chest and didn't view them racing by the trees at a speed she didn't know possible. Even his feet hitting the ground she couldn't hear. It almost was like they were flying if it was as fast and soundless as his present movement.

It didn't take long for Emorie to slow down, and she could hear water. While he had been running, she hadn't been able to discern which direction he had been running towards, but she assumed that the location was safe for them to talk. Otherwise, Emorie wouldn't have brought them there. He came to a stop shortly after, though, and she glanced around now. There were silver maples and white oaks around them, and there were enough that she couldn't see out onto any plains. Where they were, there was a small pond, which a brook led into through a small waterfall. In the night, it was harder to see the details, but light from the moon did help a little bit.

Setting her down carefully, (f/n) stepped forward a little and heard Emorie walk by to the left of her. He seated himself on one of the rocks near the pond. She didn't sit, however. Rather, she remained standing and watched the pond for a moment. Movement could be seen within the water, and for a brief moment, she saw a couple of three-spined sticklebacks swimming underneath the surface. A couple of frogs croaked, and she noticed some tadpoles too when she moved closer to the water.

Between the two of them, no words were said for a little while before (f/n) glanced over to him. "How did this happen?" Her voice was soft, and she crouched down by the water. She watched the pond critters go about their routines, and she heard him release an almost inaudible sigh.

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