The Finish

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend to put the video on loop.


Personally, the conversation, even though her last response was probably very forward, did help ease her nerves a little bit. It made her forget that she now was standing between his legs to get closer to his mustache to trim the hair there. Somehow, her cheeks weren't feeling like the hottest of summer days, and she managed to keep her hold on the shears stable. Her free hand was under his chin again to catch the hair falling off, and she tossed it into the waste bin, which was a wooden bucket and not the chamber pot, in the room.

Unfortunately, there existed a silence between them now, and she was grateful that he had his eyes closed. If they were open, her cheeks probably would feel like they were burning. Admittedly, it would've been easier to trim his hair if she was sitting on his lap, but such a thought almost caused her stomach to do countless loops that she quickly pushed the idea from her head, and she didn't dare voice it.

"Do you mind telling me about your childhood with him?" The question gave her pause since she hadn't been expecting another one, and his eyes opened slightly to see if she was alright. As soon as he did, though, her feet of their own accord took a few steps back. In the process, her outer thighs hit his inner ones, and she tried her hardest to prevent heat from going to her cheeks. Instead of chuckling at her action, he opened his eyes fully and gave an apologetic smile. "I'm sorry. Again, I shouldn't pry so much."

"... No, the question doesn't bother me." She looked down slightly to her skirt. "I just wasn't expecting it. You had been silent for awhile, so I didn't know if you wanted conversation again." Her (e/c) eyes met his light blue ones shyly. "I shouldn't have assumed that, though."

Now, mirth entered his gaze. "No, no, you're perfectly fine." His hand rested on his one thigh, and he smiled to her brightly. The expression caused her heart to skip several beats. "I shouldn't have left you in the quiet for so long. The fault is mine." Emorie noted how she held the shears now closer to her before he met her gaze head on again. "Are you finished?"

Confused, she glanced between herself and him before she made an 'oh' expression and shook her head. "Just a little more. Otherwise, it won't be even."

"Yes, that would leave me with a comical trim." He smiled again before he closed his eyes and waited for her to continue. She forced herself to relax again and calm her beating heart from his charming smile. Thankfully, his eyes were closed once more, and she continued with the trim.

"What did you want to know? It's been eleven years, so there's quite a lot." Of course, Jacob and she hadn't been children for all of those years, but she didn't know if he wished to know about those years either. She wouldn't mind telling him. Perhaps, she was being too honest and open, but she was enjoying talking with him. Again, it kept her nerves a bit calmer, but her shyness still came through now and then. (F/n) wanted to work on that, but she didn't know if she ever would overcome that. Emorie just managed to bring that side out of her, and she didn't think that it was entirely because he was the knight she always had admired. No, she truly was beginning to like him more and more despite the short time of knowing him. And, her parents seemed to approve of her visiting him so that made it all the harder not to like him more.

"Just about what you two would do together. It'll help me know you more. What were you like for all of those years?" She stopped the shears while he spoke, and she had a feeling that he was trying not to sound so direct, but he had broken that already with his one question about her relationship with Jacob. (F/n) didn't want to assume anything, though, so she didn't voice that he didn't need to veil his intent behind other questions.

Infectious Crimson (M. Yandere x Fem. Reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt