The Trial

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

Slightly, (f/n)'s shoulders sagged, and her mother would've given her daughter a scolding look for the action, but she didn't comment on the action due to what her daughter was going through. (D/n) closed the door and locked it behind him, taking several more steps into the entrance room and towards the kitchen. "Well, about her disappearing off into the night I know, but," he glanced between the two women, "this seems to be covering another matter."

"It is," (m/n) answered before (f/n) could speak. Her daughter's shoulders sagged more, but she didn't try to interrupt her mother presently.

"First," her father began, sitting across from (f/n), "what happened earlier?" He crossed his arms over his chest. "We were worried sick. We thought that you had been taken too." Technically, Emorie had taken her somewhere, but they didn't need to know that information for obvious reasons.

"I thought that I had seen Emorie." Her mother sighed while (f/n) stared down to her hands on the table. "I didn't want to lose an opportunity to find him." She looked up and over to her father. "But, I came back."

A rough sigh left her father's lips. "Yes, you did, thankfully. But, the point is that you might not have." His right fingers tapped against his left upper arm. "We don't know who took Jacob, and you should've stopped to think more." His eyes narrowed a bit, but they held concern in them, not anger. "Why would Emorie stand out in the woods but not come into the town? Why would you have to run after him? Did you two have a fight before he disappeared? Is there something that you didn't tell us?"

There were a lot of things that she hadn't told her parents, and she didn't plan on telling them. She had promised Emorie, and she intended to keep that promise. (F/n), though, managed to keep an apologetic expression, and she averted her (e/c) optics down to her lap. "I know that it was foolish. I should've thought more. We didn't have a fight or anything of the sort. I ... I ..." Releasing another sigh, she didn't peer up towards her father. "I'm sorry. I was desperate. I miss him so much." That was very much true even though they only had been away from each other for a short while.

"I understand that, but please don't run off like that again, especially with Jacob missing now. It's not safe out there." Slowly, she nodded her head, and (d/n) focused on (m/n). "Now, what is this other matter?"

"(F/n) wishes to head over to Emorie's house before it's cleared out and closed up until the next person, or people, move in." (D/n)'s fingers tapped harder against his arm while listening to his wife's words, and he concentrated back on his daughter. She tensed, and she moved her hands down to her lap.

"(F/n), I know that ..."

"I might not get another chance!" she exclaimed finally, fingers gripping the table again. Her mother rose an eyebrow at her for cutting off her father, but she needed to get her point across. Emorie was going to meet her there. She had to be there tonight. "They'll be coming soon to get his things. Guards will be out on the streets. You both can wait outside. I'll come running out if anything seems odd." (F/n) clenched the table harder. "Please, father! I won't run off again. I just want to go there at least one more time before everything is taken away."

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