The Arrival

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A/N: As usual, I would reccomend putting the video on loop.

Holding the dark green tunic in front of her, she mentally giggled to herself. She was going to be wearing his clothes. It made butterflies dance in her stomach, though; she still did wish that they could've spent more time in the water together. Then, she might've convinced him to take things further. Regardless, she did get to see him naked and be pressed up against him, naked herself, before (f/n) ever did unless ... No, (f/n) wasn't capable of that. Jetta refused to believe otherwise. That woman was focused too much on her work to think of such things, not to mention that she was too shy for such an action either.

Mentally smirking, she figured that she now had the advantage over (f/n). She'd get Sir Emorie all to herself. Jetta slipped the tunic over her head, and it fell down to her mid-thighs. Part of her wished that it came up a little shorter on her, though; she supposed that she didn't want others in the village to get a possible view of her more personal parts.

Not even asking if he was dressed, she turned around, and she held back the frown from her lips. Emorie easily saw the disappointment in her eyes, though. He kept a neutral expression on his face. Thankfully, he could dress quickly even after losing his left arm; he even had mastered tying his hair back with one hand. At first, it had been incredibly tricky. Then again, most things had been as he got used to missing an arm.

"Your shoes. They're still where you left them, right?" he asked, knowing that it would be odd to hang shoes on a tree branch. Sure, some people probably did, but for them to tear was another story. Maybe, she would say that they fell into the water.

Shaking her head, she looked apologetic, but her eyes said otherwise. She really needed to learn how to act better. Then again, he was happy that he wasn't falling for this scheme of hers. Unfortunately, he had been trapped into it regardless. How vexing. "Sorry when I fell into the water, they slipped in too. I had put them on a tree branch so that bugs wouldn't get in them." Okay, that was a somewhat reasonable excuse, but insects were on trees too. He didn't point that out to her, however.

Her medium green optics averted to her feet, and she seemed reluctant to say any more, but she added, "I can walk my way back. You've already given me your shirt." This woman made it incredibly hard not to sigh out loud in exasperation. How had he handled her that first time back when she had been pecked at by the chicken? Maybe, she just exhausted people's patience after the first interaction.

Almost all of him wanted to have her walk back on her own, but the knight in him refused. Even if he would rather push her back into the stream as another option, he resisted the urge and took off his boots. Her eyes widened a bit, but he could see disappointment again in her gaze. No doubt, she had been expecting him to carry her on his right arm. He could've, but she didn't deserve that.

"They're going to be a bit big, but they'll protect your feet." He smiled to her. "I've walked in worse conditions than these before, so my feet are used to harsh conditions."

Hesitant, she moved towards him. "Are you sure? I don't want you to get hurt." Right, that definitely wasn't what she wanted. Internally, he couldn't help but sigh again. He just wanted to get back to the village, clear up this whole with her parents and talk to (f/n) before any misunderstandings formed. If this separated him from (f/n), he would never forgive Jetta. Even right now, it was hard to do since her actions were so blatant in their true intent.

Infectious Crimson (M. Yandere x Fem. Reader)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu