The Escape

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

They had shared a look while they had been staring down towards Jacob, and even as they walked away from him, she couldn't get rid of the chill that slithered through her blood. Her arms wrapped around Emorie's right one, and she pressed herself against him in an attempt to feel warm and some sense of comfort. Had Jacob been waiting there for them? He must've been; he even was standing by the silver maple they had been at when they had been children. At least, she assumed it was that tree. Even if it wasn't, the message was still clear. Jacob was forcing her to remember their time as children and how they played on the fields; he was saying that the fields were their spot, not Emorie's and hers.

She shut her eyes as her mind wondered if Jacob had been spying on them before. Emorie would've seen or heard him, though, especially since he became all the more observant since the incident with Jetta. Still, the idea of Jacob managing to escape Emorie's watchful eyes worried her. What if he actually had? Somehow, she managed to wrap her arms tighter around Emorie's right one. He continued walking, however, since north of them were more silver maples and white oaks. That would provide them some cover, which she needed right now. (F/n) couldn't think of taking a bath with Jacob so near.

When they finally got to the cover, Emorie didn't stop walking; he continued forward and deeper into the woods. She didn't question him, figuring that he wished to put more distance and cover between Jacob and them, which she didn't mind in the slightest. Eventually, his pace did slow down, and she saw a small brook ahead of them. "... Are you still wanting ..."

As she trailed off, Emorie answered, "Only if you're comfortable with it. We can wait until tomorrow or another day when we know that he's working." Gently, he turned towards her, and she released her grip on his arm gradually. "But," his eyes briefly diverted themselves over to the water before they went back to her, "the water also might help cover our conversation."

His right fingers lifted themselves up, and they cupped the left side of her face. She leaned into his touch and held his hand to her skin. Momentarily, she closed her eyes and just focused on his presence in an attempt to calm her nerves. When she opened her (e/c) optics, he had a reassuring smile on his lips. "We're away from him now. I can't hear anyone coming this way." Slightly, she smiled to him and nodded her head a little. "Do you wish to head back to the village instead? I can take you back to your home, or we can go to mine."

Shaking her head, she softly removed his hand from her face and rested it down by his side. (F/n) closed the distance between them, and her hands clutched his dark green tunic, which Richenda Feldman had washed and given back to Emorie. Emorie had been tempted to get rid of the shirt, but both of them knew that it would've been rude to after Richenda was kind enough to wash it and even was understanding about the whole situation. Besides, (f/n) was just happy that she was with Emorie and that he returned her feelings. Right now, she was even happier that she had him to lean on regardless of what shirt he was wearing, and new memories of the shirt would be better anyway.

"No, this is fine. He might've gone back there." She shook her head. "I don't want to see him right now or risk the chance of doing so." His hand lifted up and rested on her back, gently pressing her against him. "You don't think that ..."

Cutting her off, Emorie responded firmly in order to reassure her better, "No. I would've noticed. That area was small enough that he wouldn't have been able to hide in it. Not to mention that we would've heard him coming. He had been in the smithy all of those other times. I should've taken notice that he wasn't there today." He pressed a kiss to her head. "I'm sorry, (f/n). I've been trying to be careful, but I was careless on that account."

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