XIX : The Protector

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Gwen and Cal apparated together to their home. Gwen quickly ran to her room, throwing off her dress in the process as she yanked her closet open to pull out a faded black leather jacket, with tight motto pants. She then grabbed good boots to walk in, as she reached for her strap and pulled it over her fitted top.

She attached her wand to her strap, which hung on her left side and made it easier for her to pull out her wand when needed. Reaching for her broom, she grasped the handle and made her way downstairs.

Cal was already waiting for her, as he did not have to change. He had his broom under his arm, as he had a confused and almost frustrated look on his face.

"You ready?" Gwen asked him, as he quickly recomposed himself.

"Yeah..." Cal said, as he turned to Gwen with a look she couldn't quite read. "You got mail through the Floo Network."

Gwen shrugged as she reached out for Cal's hand, "I'll look at it later, we have a job to do."

"Right" Cal said, as he grasped onto Gwen's hand and they both disapparated together once more.


"You have an actual broom?" Alice asked, as she raised her eyebrow.

"According to Edward" Gwen grinned, as the rest of the Cullens were quite impressed that she and Cal had beaten them to the rendezvous point. "I can fly faster than you can run."

"Bring it on!" Emmett challenged, as he nodded his head enthusiastically with the challenge.

"Let's get through Victoria first" Rosalie said, as she looked annoyed to be called to do this. "And end this once and for all."

"Right" Gwen nodded, as she took out her map and placed the necklaces that the Cullens brought her to it. She silently tapped the necklaces with her wand, as she focused on her nonverbal spell. It was a simple enough charm, but regardless, the Cullens looked at her with great enthusiasm and curiosity.

"It's a simple spell, but hard to conjure correctly" Gwen said, as she passed around the necklaces. "These will pull you in the direction of Victoria. Feel the pull and run towards it."

"What do you mean it's going to pull--" Rosalie began, as Emmett interrupted her.

"Hey! Mines pulling me!" Emmett exclaimed excitedly, as he looked to Jasper who also put his around his neck and nodded in determination.

"She should be reaching the edge of the beach in ten minutes" Gwen said, as she took one look at her map and mounted her broom.

"Let's do this" Cal nodded, as he held onto his broom tightly.

"Last one to Victoria is a rotten egg!" Emmett challenged.

"Everyone stay safe!" Esme urged, as Gwen could see the anxiety in her face for her family.

"When we finish this, it'll be over" Carlisle said, as he held onto Esme's hand. "Then we'll be safe again."

"Until Bella gets us into another mess" Rosalie huffed.

"We're turning her soon enough" Alice pointed out. "Then she'll be one of us, Rose."

"Once we find her" Cal said, as he looked to Gwen. "We're done. No interfering."

"No interfering" Gwen agreed, as she leaned down towards her broom, nodded to the Cullens, and kicked off the ground hard.

Gwen felt the exhilaration of being on her broom once more, her Firebolt zoomed higher and faster than Cal or any of the Cullens below. She soared around the forest, feeling the pull of her necklace as she began squinting around for any signs of the red-headed Vampire.

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