XXVI : The Regression

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Bella felt a ringing in her ears that disoriented her, as she lost her balance and fell forward. A pair of strong arms caught her, as she heard a familiar voice calling out.

What the voice was saying, she did not know.

She felt her world come crashing down, as the fear she had held close to her chest now consumed her. She had always known...Deep down, that she was no good for Edward. He was beautiful, almost god-like. And she was just Bella. Plain old Bella.

She had always known that.

And Edward must have finally recognized that.

He was staying with her out of pity...Out of not wanting to hurt her like he did last time, to the point she had reached a catatonic state. She heard his voice so clearly in her head from the last time he left her:

"You can't, Bella. Where we're going... It's not the right place for you."

"Where you are is the right place for me."

"I'm no good for you, Bella."

"Don't be ridiculous." I wanted to sound angry, but it just sounded like I was begging. "You're the very
best part of my life."

And he still was. Edward was her life. It couldn't end like this...It couldn't...It didn't make any sense. He wanted to propose to her. He was going to turn her into a vampire... They were going to be together for eternity.

What had changed?

Her mind scrambled endlessly to find a reason, anything to make sense of this. But Edward had been pulling away from her. She had known this. She had felt this, deep in her gut. He had hardly been coming to her bedroom. He seemed distracted and not himself for over a week.

She had feared something like this happening since Alice told her that Edward couldn't read Gwen Ortega's mind. And Jacob confirmed it...

Bella knew Alice sounded off when she had called her. It wasn't just her paranoia, she knew it had been strange that Edward wasn't with them. That Alice insisted on Bella trusting her and waiting for the afternoon...Was Alice trying to cover up Edward leaving with Gwen? To spare her from jumping off another cliff or doing something dangerous?

Bella knew something had been wrong. She knew it.

And now, Edward was gone.

He left her...

And now, she was here, alone once again.

Love, life, meaning... over.

She felt hollow and empty. So many empty promises. How could she have truly believed again that Edward would truly turn her? She would never become a vampire. She would never see him again...

Maybe she would get lucky. Maybe the Volturi would come for her before she sunk deeper into her dark hole.

Bella kept this hope. And then everything went black.


"Bella? Can you hear me?"

A far off voice called to her, as she felt her head pounding and struggled to open her eyes. Had she fallen asleep? What time was it? Bella opened her eyes, finding herself on the couch of her home.

"Edward?" Bella croaked, as she felt her heart fluttering for him in a panic, as she stood up quickly.

"No, it's just me" Jacob said, from the couch next to her. "How are you feeling? Are you okay? I probably should have taken you to a doctor or something."

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