X: The Pact

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"So what you're telling me is that you went off by yourself, with a dangerous vampire, in the middle of the school day?" Cal asked slowly.

"This was technically the plan."

"No. Technically the plan was for you to speak to him at school. Not for you to go off with alone in the woods! What if he attacked you? Or the rest of his family ganged up on you? What if you were wrong about them not being the murdering creatures?"

"But I wasn't wrong."

"But what if you were?" Cal said, looking exasperated as he paced around their living room. His dark skin was illuminated by the soft light that came from their lamps. "Look Gwen, I'm glad it turned out alright. I don't want to come off like a jerk. But you don't need me to tell you that you need to think these things through!"

Gwen stared at the man before her, feeling slightly annoyed at being told what to do but also, she felt slightly touched by him caring for her safety. During the war, she was level headed sometimes and worked with great minds that were able to strategize and teach her. She was used to going with her gut. It's what she knew. But also...She was in an entirely different territory.

The raven-haired woman took a deep breath, "You're right. I'm sorry."

Cal paused his pacing, and slowly turned to her as though he couldn't quite believe what he was hearing. "What was that?"

"I'm not going to say it again!"

The man grinned widely, showing off his perfectly white teeth and handsome features, "Alright, alright. I know that was very hard for you to say. But thank you for saying it. So, I guess we just wait and see what happens, huh?"

"We just wait to see if they want to help us."

"And if they don't?"

"Then we figure it out on our own. But I have a feeling they're going to want to hear what we have to say."


Gwen knew Cal did get bothered with her. He was an easy going guy, so when she apologized he accepted it quickly.

But this was a whole new world for her. Besides her best friends, she had hardly traveled or partnered up with anyone else. And after the war and all of the betrayals...Well, it was a lot harder for her to let someone in. At least in the way Cal wanted.

Gwen closed her eyes tightly, trying to fall asleep. It had always been hard for her to sleep. Even during the war...Especially during the war.

During the trials, there were wizards who practiced magical law that came from Spain to oversee the trial. They had said she suffered from trauma.

But maybe she did, maybe she didn't. All she knew is, sleeping never came easy for her.

The raven haired woman turned around to her other side, feeling the coldness of her soft silk sheets. After a few moments, she felt an anxious, bothersome feeling in the pit of her stomach.

So of course, she rolled over to her other side.

Taking deep breaths, she tried to calm herself into sleeping. She tried to picture Hogwarts, at a time where she knew nothing but happiness. She pictured the Black Lake and how it looked in the Spring. She pictured the Quidditch field, and the calmness and clarity she felt while riding a broom.

But as she pictured the magical castle in her mind, she couldn't help but think of the years when she was younger...She saw soft grey eyes staring back at her, the color of calmness and peace. The face of the handsome boy stared at her in her mind...As she remembered his face.

Black Hole Sun [Harry Potter/Twilight]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن