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   The flight to San Antonio isn't that bad. It is about 1 hour and 50 minutes from Pensacola to Charlotte, North Carolina where I have a small layover.  From Charlotte it is about 3 hours and 10 minutes to San Antonio. I slept most of the way and woke up about 30 minutes before we were to land. Mike had texted me yesterday and said he would be at the airport to pick me up when I landed.

   This is going to be weird seeing him after all these years. To be honest I just hope I don't lose my shit in the airport in front of everyone and go off on him. Guess you can say I have a lot of anger towards him after all these years. I mean yes we have talked on the phone a few times but it's different seeing someone in person after so many years. It's like all these intense feelings come flooding over me.

   Once I get my suitcase from baggage claims I make my way to the pick-up area out front where Mike had said he would pick me up at. As I am walking to the exit doors from baggage claims, my phone starts ringing. Glancing at my phone I see the one and only sperm donor is calling so I answer knowing he is probably here and wondering where I'm at. When I answer the phone he informs me he is not here due to a business problem that he had to take care of.

   He gives me his home address and tells me to get an Uber to take me to the house and he will see me when he gets home. He says his wife Lauren is there and will be expecting me. Just great, the man whom I haven't seen in eight years can't even show up to pick me up from the airport. I guess things will never change with him even though he claims he wants me here. I don't really know what to think about this situation except that it sucks ass. That's about the best explanation I have for this at the time.

   I open the Uber app on my phone and enter Mike's address and my pick-up location. Luckily my Uber is only 10 minutes away from the airport. Once it arrives we get my suitcases in the trunk, and set out to my destination. Mike's house is about 1 hour and 30 minutes from the airport. When we arrive I can't help but stare at the house before getting out. It is a huge two story tan brick house with a three car garage and a well maintained yard. There is a stone pathway leading from the road to the front door. The house is gorgeous and definitely expensive.

   I glance around at my surroundings and see that all the houses here look expensive. I hope the people around here are not snobby and stuck up. What if his new wife is? Will she look down upon me because my mom wasn't rich? Will she try to change who I am to fit their expensive lifestyle? I'm starting to get nervous but I'm just going to be myself.

   I always stay true to myself and always will. I will not change for anyone and be someone I'm not. If you like me you do and if you don't, then I don't give a shit. Okay enough of all those wandering thoughts. Back to my current situation as I continue to look around and take in my surroundings.

   The ol' sperm donor definitely makes good money to be able to afford a house like this. My mom's house back in Pensacola was nice. It was a single story, three bedroom one bath house. She wasn't rich and of course our house didn't look like this one but we lived nice and comfortably. She worked hard for us to have what we did and I never wanted for anything. I was always proud of what my mom did for us. She set a good example for me and I always hope I can make her proud with what I choose to do in life.

   Finally after standing outside and staring at the house for 15 minutes after the Uber left, I decided I might as well get this over with. So I walk up the stone pathway and ring the doorbell. To say I am nervous is an understatement. I don't know what to expect when the door finally opens. So many thoughts are running through my head of what his new wife might be like and what she might look like. I hope she is nice and not some bitch. Will she even want me here? Will she hate me? I kind of just want to run away at this point because I am so nervous.

   When the door finally opens I am speechless and can't believe my eyes. To say I am in shock is an understatement. I think my heart literally stopped. Standing there in front of me is the most beautiful woman I've ever seen. There is no way this woman is Mike's wife and my... step mom. Seriously! She definitely does not look close to his age which is 38. This woman is- absolutely breathtakingly beautiful.

   Wow! I am in awe of her beauty. She is about my height and has loose wavy dirty blonde hair just past her shoulders and the most beautiful blue eyes I have ever seen. I can get lost in those beautiful ocean blue eyes. And those lips, oh those lips. They are perfect, naturally rose pink, pouty and so kissable. Oh so kissable. I could suck and bite on those lips for days and days. I can't help but lick my lips just looking at hers. I want those lips all over me. Damn!

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