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   I don't think anyone knows what to say after what Lauren said. Honestly I was shocked that she just came out and said we have sex all over the apartment. She's kind of not wrong but hearing her say that to her parents was shocking and funny at the same time. The look on her parents face was funny as hell. Julia didn't look as surprised but apparently didn't know what to say either at first then she breaks the silence and asks "why don't we have pizza delivered and all eat together while watching a movie?"

Lauren looks at me and I just shrug my shoulders. I mean I would rather them leave so I can have my way with her but I know she doesn't see her family often so I want her to enjoy her time with them. Lauren seems to think about it for a few seconds. "Okay, if everyone wants to that's fine with us. I will order a a few pizzas" she  finally says and they all nod in agreement.

Lauren ordered the pizza as everyone else got something to drink and chatted about random things and I just sat here watching my beautiful woman. I just can't even seem to take my eyes off of her.

Once the pizza arrives we decide to watch The Proposal with Sandra Bullock and Ryan Reynolds. We all fix our plates and pile up in the living room to start the movie. Lauren and I are on the couch, Julia in the chair and their parents on the loveseat.

After eating Lauren takes both of our plates to the kitchen. I get comfortable by resting against the arm of the couch. When she returns she sits with her back against the other arm of the couch and stretches her soft, gorgeous legs across the couch, resting them in front of my legs. I look at Lauren and smirk then suddenly grab her feet and rest them in my lap. She proceeds to grab a big blanket that's big enough to cover both of us up since we usually cuddle under a blanket or covers when we watch a movie.

I hold her feet tight and slowly begin rubbing the bottoms of both. For some reason just the simple gesture has Lauren smiling like crazy. I rub the arches of her feet and her heels. She relaxes into the couch more and scoots down so she can lean her head against the arm of the couch. Her eyes seem to be getting heavy and she finally closes them. I shift a little and slip my foot between her legs skimming my toes over her center. Lauren's head shoots up and she looks at me wide eyed.

I hear Lauren gasp as I apply pressure to her center. I focus my attention on the tv as I apply a little more pressure and from the corner of my eyes I see her looking at me. I move my foot up so my heel is now against her covered pussy and I press into her then slowly move my heel in a circle. I hear a low muffled moan in her throat and smirk. "K-Kyler your umm foot..." she manages to whisper. I smirk again "sshh, I'm trying to watch the movie" then glance at Lauren and blow her a kiss.

I turn my attention back to the tv and continue to massage Lauren's feet as my foot continues massaging her covered pussy. I glance around and Julia and their parents are watching the movie. I shift my foot again and add a little more pressure this time right on her clit. I know a burst of pleasure washes over her because she jerks forward and moans. Lauren coughs to try and cover her moan up and I bite my lip to keep from laughing. We both quickly glance around the room and my eyes land on Julia as she is looking at us.

Julia squints her eyes like she is studying us and I know she sees my foot move that's between Lauren's legs and I think realization sets in based on the look on her face. Her eyes go wide and see looks between me and Lauren. I know I need to move my foot but I honestly don't want to and apparently Lauren doesn't want it moved either I just hope she can be quite and not moan out loud again.

Lauren closes her eyes as I add more pressure to her clit and she bites her lip and grabs ahold of the blanket. I faintly hear Julia whisper yelling "Lauren, Lauren... psst, Lauren!" Lauren's face is red and she whips her head around to look at Julia and grabs my foot to stop it's movements. I try to move my foot but she is holding it so tight I can't move it.

By now Julia and Mr. and Mrs. James are looking at Lauren. She stands quickly and clears her throat "I'm sorry but I think we will have to finish the movie some other time. I need to go in pretty early tomorrow since I didn't go back to the school today."

Julia starts laughing but Lauren's parents nod their head in understanding and take their dishes to the kitchen along with Julia's.

I stand up by Lauren and Julia walks over to us. She smirks at Lauren "you two are sex crazed freaks." Lauren looks at Julia "excuse me?" Julia laughs "I saw where Kyler's foot was and what she was doing to you even though you had the blanket over y'all."

Lauren glances at me and smirks then looks back to Julia "yeah well we were interrupted this afternoon. Now please get mom and dad out of here so Kyler can finish what she started this afternoon before we were rudely interrupted."

Julia and I both laugh at what Lauren said but stop when we hear "Lauren Alisa!" Their mom apparently caught the end of Lauren's sentence as she was walking back into the living room. Mrs. Jessica is shaking her head but before she can say anything Mr. David says "let's go and give them their alone time." We all hugged and said our goodbyes and finally I had Lauren to myself.

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