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I wake up Friday morning to the sound of Lauren's alarm going off at 5:45. She groans as she shuts it off then slips out of bed and makes her way to the bathroom to quickly shower. I lay there in bed and realize that I'm done with high school. I've got to decide on which college I'm going to attend and I know I want to take a semester off at least I think I do. I think maybe I will go with Lauren today and help her with her end of the year stuff. After all, I'm part of the reason she didn't get any of it done yesterday.

Lauren comes out of the bathroom and starts getting ready . She catches my gaze in the mirror as she is getting dressed. "What are you doing awake?" She asks as she glances at me over her shoulder.

"I want to go to work with you today to help you with end of the year stuff." I say as I'm getting out of bed. She smiles and I stop and kiss her cheek on my way to the bathroom to jump in the shower. "I'm leaving at 6:45" Lauren says as I'm stepping in the shower.

Once I'm out of the shower and dressed I go to the kitchen and Lauren has coffee and a quick breakfast ready for the both of us. "Why do you want to go to work with me today?" Lauren asks as she is putting her dishes in the dishwasher. "I want to help you and just spend time with you beautiful." I answer truthfully. She glances at her watch, "let's go then."

We get to the school at 7 and get to Lauren's office and she lines me up on things to do while she's taking care of other things. About 7:15 there's a knock on the door "come in" Lauren says as she's typing away on her laptop. Mrs. Scott from the front desk walks in and starts smiling when she sees me.

She gives some papers to Lauren and on her way out says "Kyler sweetie, come help
me move some boxes of paper." Mrs. Scott is an older lady. I'm guessing she's in her 70s and she is sweet as can be. Of course I don't mind helping her out.

Once I finish moving the boxes of paper I turn to go back to Lauren's office. Mrs. Scott grabs my arm stopping. She leans in closer to me "I think it's sweet that you came to help Lauren out." I smile "thank you, I just wanted to do something nice for her."

Mrs. Scott laughs "oh honey, I know it's more than that, you two fancy each other. Don't worry though, my lips are sealed. Lord knows she needs happiness in her life and someone to treat her right."

I don't quite know what to say to Mrs. Scott. How could she know about us? "How?" I manage to get out. She laughs again "Lauren can't wipe the smile off her face when you're around or when she is talking about you. And you my dear, you act like she is the only person in the room when you are around her. Your eyes are glued to her every move."

"Wow" I say and can't help but laugh. Mrs. Scott pats my back "you two love each other and it's a beautiful thing. She seems truly happy and that's wonderful. I hope you two have a long joyous life together. Now get back in there to your woman."

I'm shocked that Mrs. Scott knows but grateful that she never said anything before now. I walk back into Lauren's office and she is getting up from her desk. She looks at me and asks "did you finish helping Mrs. Scott?"

I laugh a little "yeah I did. Umm, I need to tell you something and don't want you to freak out." She squints her eyes at me like she is trying to figure out what I'm going to say. "So... Mrs. Scott knows about us but she said she would never tell anyone because we love each other."

Lauren shakes her head "I swear, that woman always knows everything. Thank you for telling me but I'm not worried about her. I trust her. And that explains the look she always gives me when you're around."

I walk up to Lauren and gently kiss her perfect lips. "Kyler!" She says and pulls away. I grab her by the hips and pull her to me and I can feel she is tense. "Babe relax okay, remember I'm no longer a student here." I move one hand to her cheek and kiss her again. Lauren relaxes and kisses me back.

Once Lauren pulls back she says "okay, you find something to busy yourself with because I've got papers to take to some teachers." I haven't finished a couple things she gave me to do earlier but I know she has a lot to do as it is and I want to make her day as easy as possible.

"I can take the papers for you, just tell me where they need to go. Are they all going to one department or various ones?"

She shakes her head "they're all for the English department but I'm taking them." I look at her and I'm trying to read her expression and I'm a little confused by her tone.

"If it's not confidential I will take them so you can finish up other things. It's really no problem. I know you have a lot to do since you didn't get to work on any of it yesterday after graduation."

Again Lauren shakes her head "you're not going to deliver this to the English Department. I will be back shortly." She heads for her office door but I rush over and grab her hand stopping her in her tracks. She turns around to face me.

"Why not Lauren? What's wrong with me..." then it dawns on me as to why she doesn't want me to go. Ms. Smith is there. Does that mean Lauren doesn't trust me? "Do you not trust me?" I ask.

Lauren sighs, "Kyler, it's not you that I don't trust." I smirk at her admission and realize why she doesn't want me to go. "So you're jealous?" Lauren rolls her eyes "I'm not jealous, I just don't...."

I step closer to Lauren "just admit it, you're jealous." Her expression changes to one I haven't seen before. She looks at me and says "for fucks sake Kyler just stop. I don't want you around her okay. Can you honestly blame me though. I mean it was just a few months ago that you nearly had your tongue down her throat." Lauren turns back around and walks out her office door shaking her head.

Well that took a turn for the worst. I understand why she didn't want me taking the papers and she can deny it all she wants but she was jealous. Just like the day she walked in on me and Ms. Smith. She was hurt but also jealous because of her feelings for me. Now I've pissed her off so she will probably just want me to go home now. It's stupid for her to be jealous over Ms. Smith, it's stupid and sexy at the same time. I sit down in Lauren's chair waiting on her to come back to her office. I've got to get her out of her pissy mood.

About 45 minutes later Lauren finally walks back into her office. By the slight smile on her face, it seems everything is fine now. She glances at me sitting in her chair. She sighs "Kyler, I'm sorry I snapped at you. I know there's nothing there between either one of you."

I stand up and walk to Lauren "you're fine, I understand why you got pissed but you know you have nothing to worry about. She doesn't compare to you and never will, at least not to me she doesn't."

I caress Lauren's cheek "and it's okay that you were jealous. It's stupid that your jealous over her but it's stupidly sexy."

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