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Finally tearing my eyes away from Lauren, I walk into the bedroom and look around. I sigh a little but hope she didn't hear it. Apparently she did because I feel her hand on my shoulder "hey... this is your home now so I want you to feel comfortable and at home here. I'm really glad you're here and can't wait to get to know you. I will help in any way I can so please let me know of anything I can do for you or if you want something changed."

I know what you can do for me and what I would like to do to you, I thought to myself. What is wrong with me? I shouldn't be thinking these things about Lauren. Here she is being so sweet and helping me and all I've been doing is basically eye fucking her and having very inappropriate thoughts about her. Plus she is my... well, she's Mike's... wife. I am stupidly attracted to her and I know I shouldn't be.

I tell Lauren the room is perfect and that I actually like the wall color. She has a dark gray comforter on the bed and dark gray curtains over the windows to match. "We can go shopping for a new comforter and curtains if you want to. I already had that stuff so I used it until I could find out what you like." She explains. Wow, she is absolutely amazing and I can't believe she went to all this trouble just for me. She doesn't even know me but she has done all this just to make me feel at home here.

Lauren leaves so I can start unpacking and tells me if I need anything she will be downstairs in the kitchen which is to the left of the stairs. I wonder how Mike ever got a woman like that. She seems too good to be true and definitely to good for him. This is going to be hard being around her from now on and we just meet. Now I'm stuck living in the same house as her when all I want to do is take her right here and now on this queen size bed.

That is one woman I would let do anything to me. I swear I would be putty in her hands. I wish I was the one married to her and not Mike. Okay, maybe I'm taking that a little too far. What is wrong with me?

After I finish unpacking I head downstairs to check the rest of the house out. Once I get to the bottom of the stairs I can hear Lauren talking to someone in the kitchen. I wonder if the ol' sperm donor has made it home. I notice the kitchen is decorated in black and white with stainless steel appliances and a large island in the middle. It is very modern and classy looking. The kitchen looks more like something from a magazine. This kitchen would be a cooks dream come true.

As I turn the corner I can see Lauren on the phone so I stop not wanting to interrupt her conversation but not trying to eavesdrop either. "Mike no, she is already here. So you knew what time her flight was? You knew that she would be home today. No, it is her home now too. I can't believe you made her take an Uber. You should have called or text me and I would have picked Kyler up even though you should have been there yourself and had said you would. After having her take an Uber here you didn't even bother texting me and telling me she was on her way. How many times did I ask you when her flight was but you would never tell me. She is your daughter, you should have been there just like you should be here now."

Lauren is quiet for a few seconds then says "No, I'm not trying to start a fight with you. This is why I said we were not ready to try and have kids. Fine, do whatever, just hurry up and get home okay. I'm not starting with you but you handled all this wrong. Look, I would like us to have a family dinner her first night here. You need to do the right thing here Mike, she's your daughter for god's sake." Lauren ends the phone call and sighs as she sits her phone on the countertop.

I knew when she said Mike she was talking to my sperm donor. I guess he has a lot going on at work or just didn't want to be around me and she doesn't seem too happy about it either. Lauren is facing the sink as I walk into the kitchen. She doesn't hear me walk up behind her. My eyes seem to have a mind of their own as they travel over her figure. Her body is insane and just... perfect. She lets out a big sigh while holding onto the sink.

For some reason I just want to comfort her. I instantly place my hand on her lower back and she jumps. "Are you okay?" Turning around Lauren forces a smile "Shit, you just startled me and... yeah, I'm fine." She motions for me to sit at the island. I look at her as I sit down "are you sure you're okay?" She looks at me for a second then just nods her head at me with a forced half smile while still staring at me.

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