Training With A New Pack

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"Ok to unleash your supernatural potential we have to train you with supernatural ways or tools or whatever." Scott said as we walked down the stairs from school. School had just ended and the pack thought it was a good idea to start my training as soon as possible.

"But we don't even know what kind of supernatural creature she is." Mason chimed in walking up behind us.

"True but if we train her, we might be able to figure out." Lydia said as Scott looked at her and said, "And we always have our last resort."

"Last resort?" I said stopping and turning around to look at my friends.

"Yeah, I can go into your head," Scott said popping out his claws.

"Put those away we are not even in the parking lot yet." Kira said grabbing Scott's hand, looking into his eyes.

"Give me a break." Malia mumbled to herself, rolling her eyes.

I looked from Malia to Scott and Kira, "You are not sticking those things into my neck!" I might be new to the werewolf thing but I knew that Scott had to jab his claws into my neck for that to work.

"Relax, he did it to me and I turned out fine." Corey said cutting through Scott and Kira to get to me.

"Yeah but you can heal."

"And if my theory is correct so can you." Lydia said grabbing my hand and leading me to her car, "You and Malia can ride with me, we will meet the others at Scott's house."

Lydia, Malia and me hopped into Lydia's car and she pulled out of the parking lot.

While we were driving Lydia told us about Allison's book of all the supernatural creatures and all the different ways to find out who is what. She sounded really prepared and she almost sounded if she could figure out what creature I was with one look.

"Alright, I think this might actually work." I said, Malia nodding in agreement.


"This is never going to work." I said, looking around at all the different tests and equipment we had already tried to use on me.

"There is one thing left to try," Scott said looking at his claws.

"Scott, you know that could kill y/n." Allison walked in front of Scott and held him back.

"It's the last thing we have, I mean we have tried everything that isn't a threat to her life." Scott said putting his claws away and getting a little impatient.

Allison walked away from Scott, that was her mistake. Scott couldn't handle not knowing how to help Stiles and he rushed towards me, claws out.

"Scott! NO!" Lydia shouted before everything went black and silent.

I had no idea how long it had been but to me it had only been a few seconds before Scott ripped his claws out of my neck and I fell to the ground holding the back of my bleeding neck.

Malia ran up to me, "Are you okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine." I said as Corey pushed Scott into his dresser.

"What's wrong with you man? Haven't you learned your lesson yet."

Scott looked back at Corey not wanting to fight, because everyone knew he could easily take down Corey.

"I mean did you even find anything?" Liam said to Scott before he ran out of the room, "What is wrong with him?"

Scott came back into the room with a gun in his hand, he lifted it up at me and shot. Without thinking I covered my face with my hands. The room was silent, I put my hands down and opened one to find the bullet resting in my hand.

"What the?" Mason looked down at the bullet.

"You caught that." Scott said taking the bullet from my hand, "Sorry." He said, it was obvious he gave everyone a heart attack.

"You could have killed me. What would have happened if I didn't catch that?"

Scott had a blank look on his face, "That doesn't matter, I think I know what you are."

"Well don't just stand there tell us." Scott looked back at Lydia.

"Isn't it obvious, she's a Kappa with the powers of an angel. That's why she caught the bullet so quickly."

I rolled the bullet in my hand, my head overflowing with questions. Allison reached into her purse and pulled out a book, she flipped through the pages and stopped begining to read.

"Kappas are angel like beings who have a reaction time like the speed of lighting. Powerful Kappas have the power to alter futures." She looked down at me still sitting on Scott's bed with Malia right next to me.

"Alter futures?" Corey said looking into the book.

"It said powerful Kappas and I just learned I was one." I stood up and walked over to Allison, "Does it say anything more about the angel thing?"

Allison looked at me, "Angels can defeat demons," She said not even reading, "Demons like the nogitsune."

"Can she fly?" Liam said, we all looked him, "Not important I guess."

We looked at Scott as if he had all the answers, "I guess we just found our way to defeat Void."

"Yeah but how are any of us supposed to train her. No offense but I think Angels are even out of a true alpha's league." Kira said.

"We'll figure it out, but I think we will need some help." Scott looked down at Kira's sword belt.

"You are not thinking about releasing him." Liam said.

"He has the answers and I think maybe he can help." Scott looked at Liam with a stern face.

Kira handed Scott her belt, "Let's go free Theo." Scott said taking it from her.

Chaos Has Come Again // Stiles Stilinski (Void)Where stories live. Discover now