7 Year Anniversary

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*Note* the timeline of this story will be a little off, I just wanted to include some characters that weren't in season 3b. Also since this is my first book if you have any feedback I would love to hear it, thanks!

Eichen House.

The House of Echoes, it was said to be built by a man who claimed he was a 'hellhound sent to protect the supernatural,' whatever that is. He built it so he could freeze his body for hundreds of years.

To me Eichen House is a place to shame people for thinking they are special. I thought I was special I could see things on a whole different level then others. But everyone made me feel crazy even though I knew I was special.

"Happy seven years babe,"

"Hey Malia." I said to the girl who had walked over to me.

Malia, my bestie since day one, well day one for her, she came here less then two years ago and we totally clicked. We are two of the very few people here who are a little normal.

Although she does turn in to a coyote on full moons. I'm the only one who believes her.

"Anyways here's what I was thinking we sneak down to the basement steal some celebratory snacks and party just you and me." Malia said with a big smile.

"Sorry it sounded like you said just you and me and what you should have said was just you and me and me."

Oliver. Oh Oliver how do I describe someone like him. Well to begin, he is not normal like me and Malia, there is something off about him but he has never opened up and told us anything but I can respect that.

"Oliver how could Malia forget of course you can join us," Malia gave me a harsh stare as I said this she never really was fond of Oliver like I was. I guess that's because I was here when his family checked him in three years ago. I definitely knew him better and he trusted me more then Malia.

"Look Oliver this is y/n's special day so let's put our arguments to the side and try to be nice for one day, ok?" Malia didn't trust Oliver, I don't know why she just never did.

"I can totally respect that." After saying this Oliver broke out into a coughing fit.

"Geez man you ok?"

"Yeah, I'm good y/n, I think I just swallowed a bug yesterday."


"Anyways y/n, Malia, I'm getting a new room buddy." Oliver sounded excited.

"YOU!! They're letting someone as psycho as you have a room mate???" Malia almost spat out her water.

"Well that's a bit harsh, Oliver what's your new roomie's name?" I was excited for him but also I had a strange feeling about all this. There are some real psychos who get admitted here, I just didn't want anyone to get hurt.

I think Oliver could tell I was worried, "Stiles I think his name is. Checked HIMSELF in. But he sounds sane just claims he is being possessed."

"POSSESSED, POSSESSED???" Now I was the one to almost spit out my water . "Oliver that's serious you have to be careful around this new guy."

"No, no y/n I think this is a great chance for Oliver to make friends, you shouldn't be careful really annoy this guy."

"Malia! Possession is nothing to joke around with."

"Whatever I'm just messing with him, I'm sure this Stiles guy is a real sweetheart" Malia got up and walked away saying, "See you guys around 5"

"Sounds good Mal."

"So y/n seven miserable years, how are you doing?" Oliver is so sweet but he doesn't really understand what I'm going through with this place.

"You know Oliver this place is starting to help I can feel my insanity washing away like a wave." I said sarcastically.

"Yeah, that's a good one y/n."

After lunch I headed up to my room for silent time. As I got to the stairs I heard some rumbling voices and saw a man had hung himself.

It was Monday. More suicides on Mondays.

I heard a guy who seemed really concerned asking Nurse Iris all these questions. He must be new.

When I got to the floor my room was on, the guy and Nurse Iris were still there. Weird. I passed them to get to my room and got a weird feeling as the boy with dark hair and dark concerning eyes stared at me.

He was right outside Oliver's room. That must be Oliver's new roommate something was up with him and I didn't like it.


*knock knock*

It was free time now, I knocked on Oliver's door to see if he was ready to go down to the basement. Malia was supposedly waiting for us down there.

"COMING SORRY!" I heard through the door. Oliver stepped out with a big smile on his face.

"Wait till I tell you about this new guy. What a nut case!"

"Oliver your a nut case, you can't say much."

As we reached the basement door Oliver stopped.

"What's wrong Oliver?"

"Malia. She's not gonna want me down there, she's gonna rip my head off." I know this is just crazy Oliver talking but the way he said this really gave me chills.

He can be super paranoid to the point of even crazy.

"Oh Oliver, Malia is just scared she's trying to protect herself, but under no circumstances would she hurt you. I'm going to go down, you can come if you want but it's up to you."

I turned and walked down to the basement. I heard Oliver follow.

"I'm not gonna let anything happen to you. Ok?"

Oliver nodded. Nothing was gonna happen anyways.


Chaos Has Come Again // Stiles Stilinski (Void)Where stories live. Discover now