The New Guy

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Oliver and I walked down the basement steps and heard faint talking. Oliver shivered.

"Malia! You down Here?"

"Oh shoot-" I heard from the dark. Fumbling for the switch I flipped on the lights and was in shock.

"Wha- wha- WHAT!! Malia who? What? Why? And most importantly WHO???" I said in complete shock.

There Malia was on the couch with some random guy. Looking like they had been married for a year all snuggled up on the crusty old thing.

But he wasn't just some random guy, he was the guy from the staircase with Nurse Iris.

"Uhh... Y/n! I can explain, and I will just uhh.. Stiles meet y/n, y/n meet Stiles."

"Nice to meet you." Stiles said, looking very awkward but trying to make the best of the situation.

"Uh yeah likewise. Malia when were you gonna tell me about him?"

"Well actually he just came here, and I kind of punched him but then made it up to him and now..."

"What!! You don't even know him." This was so not like Malia either she really liked him or something was up.

"Oh yeah! Y/n that's my new roommate Stiles." Oliver mentioned still cowering behind me like a child.

"Good to know Oliver." I said rolling my eyes.

Trying to avoid the very awkward conversation, I started looking around the basement. I noticed the cement pole and scratch marks where I would chain Malia up on a full moon.

Oh yeah did I mention she was a were-coyote, that's why she was here, when she told people that everyone thought she was crazy so her dad sent her here. But I believed her because every full moon we would come down here and I would chain her to the pole using the strongest chains in this place.

And there were really strong chains here, because of all the real nut jobs in the closed unit they would chain up everyday.

"Ok now that we are all introduced we can start with the celebration!" Malia was really trying to avoid the fact I just walked in on her and some guy. We think alike.

"Celebration? What are we celebrating?" Stiles said, great we are gonna have to clue him in on everything we've ever learned here. That's why I hate meeting new people, the explaining.

"Oh Stiles you don't know! Y/n has officially been here seven years today!" Oliver answered.

"Seven years?? You've been here seven years? That's crazy I just got here and I hate the place!"

"Yeah it's not like any big accomplishment but I would never say no to a celebration."

"Ha, wait! Before we start I got you a little something, y/n, it's not much because I can't really leave here and buy you something but-" Malia said handing me a gift.

"Malia you didn't have to." I said as I took the present and started unwrapping it.

"Oh- wow you really didn't have to Malia..." The present was a picture of me and her together, but not just your regular picture. It was a hand drawn picture of me and her, drawn with crayon.

I looked up at Malia and she had a wide smile on her face, "So you like it, it took me forever. I had to snatch some crayons from the waiting room, some little girl started crying but I just growled at her, that seemed to shut her up!"

"Wow, Malia.. I- I love it, it's so... so unique. And not to mention all the hard work you went through to find the crayons."

"Aw, it's no biggie anything for my favorite mental buddy." Malia said so excited that I liked her gift.

We all settled down and started celebrating, it wasn't much of a celebration because like Malia said we can't just leave to go get cake and party supplies.

After awhile we all kind of drifted off to sleep some how. Malia and Stiles were up on the couch while me and Oliver found some old chairs and rested in those.

Our sleep didn't last long, I woke up to the sound of Malia shouting at me, and Oliver standing over her with some sort of drill in his hands.

"Get away from me, I knew I had a reason never to trust you!" Malia shouted at Oliver.

"Oliver! What are you doing?!?!" I cried shocked, "Get away from her with that!"

Malia and Stiles were both tied to chairs as well, it looked like Oliver was the only one up.

"I'm sorry he told me I couldn't stop, I have to do this or he'll kill me." Oliver said with tears in his eyes.

"Who Oliver? Who told you that?" I asked getting really worried now.

"He got to you Oliver, you have to block him out!" Stiles told him.

"What! Who are you talking about Stiles? Why is Oliver trying to drill a freaking hole in my head?" Malia shouted at Stiles trying to get as far away from Oliver as she could.

I looked at Stiles and back to Oliver, he wasn't going to stop.

"Stiles WHO!" I shouted trying to get him to do anything to save Malia.

I was struggling in the ropes trying to free myself and help her as well.

"The nogitsune, that's who." Stiles said looking at me as if I knew what the hell he was talking about.

Chaos Has Come Again // Stiles Stilinski (Void)Where stories live. Discover now