Time To Take Him Down

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I looked up at Void and suddenly heard something on the other side of the room. I turned my head and saw the man wrapped in bandages.

The nogitsune.

He saw me too and turned his head crookedly towards me.

I looked back to Void, but he was nowhere in sight. The nogitsune walked towards me and started to pick up speed.

"Y/n.... Y/N!" He shouted at me grabbing the ropes on my feet and pulling so hard that the ties on my hands ripped right off.

"NO! STOP!" I shouted, "PLEASE! STOP!" I felt tears on my cheeks as I clawed at the floor trying to find something to hold on to.

"Y/n! Calm down! It's me calm down!" I stopped shouting and opened my eyes looking up to see Melissa, Scott's mom, holding me.

I looked around, I was in some sort of cave before Melissa had pulled me out. But that couldn't have been right, I knew I was in that basement and the nogitsune was right there with me.

"It's ok y/n you're safe now."

--Malia's POV--

"How is she?" Scott asked his mom as she walked out of the hospital room where y/n was resting.

"She's fine now, she's resting. The doctors say it was just a bad case of sleep walking." Melissa responded looking at all of us.

"But y/n doesn't sleep walk, I've been sleeping in the same room as her for three years now." I said, because I knew something more was up.

"Sleep walking or not, this all is to familiar. I mean Stiles was found in the exact same cave before he sent himself to Eichen." Lydia said mostly to Scott.

"What do you mean Stiles went through this too?" I cut in.

Melissa looked from me to Scott, "You kids can talk this out later, it's a school day. Y/n will be fine in our care."

--Y/n's POV--

I woke up in a hospital bed, Melissa was in the corner of the room looking through papers.

"Mrs. McCall?" I asked sitting up.

"Hey, how are you?" Melissa said walking over to the bed.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Why am I here, I thought I was only sleepwalking?"

"That's true, but something like this happened before, we just wanted to take extra precaution."

"You mean, something like this happened to Stiles."

Melissa sat down on the bed, "Did you see him, when you were sleeping."

"I wasn't sleeping." I said "Something more happened."

"Just get some rest, okay hon?" Melissa said walking towards the door.

"I don't need anymore rest, I need to find Stiles and I know where to start." I got up reaching for my bag where my extra clothes were.

"Y/n, Stiles isn't Stiles right now and we have no idea where-"

"You don't believe me? I wasn't sleepwalking I've never slept walked before in my life, I'm going to find him." I finished putting on my clothes and walked out of the room.

"But you still have school today!" I heard Melissa shouting after me.

School didn't matter to me right now, training with Theo didn't matter, I had to help Stiles.

Nothing else mattered.

I walked out of the hospital and found myself walking towards Eichen.

When I reached the front steps, I looked down at my phone, fifteen missed calls from the pack. I put my phone in my pack pocket and headed in the gates.

"Welcome to Eichen House, house for the mentally unstable. How can I help you today." The man behind the counter said plainly.

"Hi Lenny," I said looking down at his name tag. "I'm here to visit a friend."

"Patient name please." Lenny said with no expression at all.

"Oliver Shively." I said with hesitation, it would actually be cool to catch up with Oliver, but I was here on a mission.

The man handed me a pass, "Thanks." I said, "I know my way around."

Once I had been out of view from Lenny, I walked around the corner and made my way to the basement.

Once I reached the basement door, I tried the handle. "Shoot locked." I looked around for something.

"Hello y/n." I spun around shocked.

"Brunski, what are you doing here?"

"I work here y/n, better question is what are you doing here? Trying to get into the basement?" Brunski asked.

"I'm not a patient here anymore."

"Yeah you're right I guess that makes it okay."

"Wait really?" I said shocked that Brunski would do anything nice.

Brunski unlocked the door and held it open. I walked in and immediately recognized it as the place from that night.

I walked down the stairs and heard the door shut behind me, "Brunski?"

"I don't know why you wanted down here. Something to do with your time here? Or are you trying to figure out what really goes on here." Brunski was holding a needle in his hand filled with some sort of medicine.

No way am I getting ejected for a third time.

"No, nothing like that." I was scared now, Brunski was bad news. "A friend of mine is in danger, I just wanted to check."

"No I don't think so, but anyways if your telling the truth, it's to late now-"

Before Brunski could finish, someone came up behind him and knocked him to the ground.

"Surprise." Oliver said, holding a metal bar in his hand.

"Oliver! Oh my gosh, I can't believe this!" I ran up and hugged Oliver.

"Come on we've got work to do." Oliver said.

"Wait, you know about all this."

"All I know is that, that kid Stiles who came here. I know that he brought you here last night and he wasn't himself."

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