The Plan

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"STILES! Y/N!" We heard Scott calling our names and breaking the moment between the two of us.

"There you guys are, come on we need to go." Scott said cutting into the stares me and Stiles gave him.

"What? Seriously?" Stiles asking not moving from where he was standing. Scott just gave him a puzzled look so he decided to continue.

"Do you have any clue what just went down a few minutes ago?"

Scott eyed me up and down, "By the looks of it Void tried to kill Y/n."

Stiles tucked his lips and nodded, "Yeah I guess you do have a pretty good idea." And with that he walked over and followed Scott.

"I'm ok by the way!" I shouted after them running a little to catch up. "You know after the whole killing thing, it didn't bother me at all." I said sarcastically.

"Good, we have to go meet someone." We were now out in the parking lot and Scott had jumped in the drivers seat of his car. "Are you coming or what?"

"Well not with that attitude." I made a joking face and walked over to Stiles's jeep to ride with him instead. Scott just laughed and shook his head closing the car door and signaling for us to follow him.

I hopped in the jeep, Stiles in the drivers side.

We followed Scott all the way to some small stores on the edge of town. Scott got out and we met up with him in front of the veterinarian clinic.

"Do you need to pick up a pet or something." I asked confused.

"Or something, we need to pick up a plan-"

"And who better to give us a plan than the Obi Wan of all supernatural knowledge." Stiles interrupted Scott.

Scott looked back at Stiles with a confusing look.

"Dude!" Stiles waved his arms in the air, "Have you still not seen Star Wars?"

"I promise if we make it back from this whole mess I will watch it."

"Wow I can't believe you've actually never seen Star Wars." I said as I followed the guys into the veterinarian.

"I know right!" Stiles said in agreement.


The next day I met up with Stiles outside of the school. "You really think this plan with work?" I asked.

"It better," Stiles said not so reassuringly. "Until then it's just another normal school day right now. I'll see you at lunch."

I waved a bye to Stiles and he walked away to class. The three of us had met up with some supernatural know it all yesterday. Scott was apparently working with him and he just happened to find out about Scott being a werewolf.

But Scott seemed to trust him a lot so that made me a little more confident about the upcoming plan we had worked up.

Not even before I walked in the school I heard Corey's voice calling my name, and I turned to talk to him. We walked into school together talking about Corey's weekend with Mason.

I shuddered as we past the wall where Void had almost killed me. This plan better work, the only thing keeping me a part of it was the fact that Void thought I was dead. That's something.

"Anyways Mason is throwing this huge black light rager this weekend, you should totally come." Corey said trying to get off the supernatural topic.

"I don't know Cor, there's a lot of stuff going on right now." To be completely honest I didn't even know if I was going to make it to the weekend but I think it is best not to tell Corey that.

"It's whatever, I would love to see you there." He said walking off in the sea of students flooding the hallway trying to reach their first period.

The rest of the day was empty and I had a weird feeling about practicing with Theo after school. He said he needed to teach me something new for the plan.

I had to learn a simple trick of mind control in less than a day. Typical Theo, trying to get me to learn some new crazy power I didn't know I had up until a few weeks ago.

But if I didn't learn this new power the whole plan would totally flop. 

The sound of the last bell rang sharply in my ear. All the students got out of their chairs and I was left sitting in silence, almost to nervous to get up and get back to the supernatural life.

"Something the matter y/n?" Mr. Yukimura said in the silent.

"Actually kind of." I had never spoken to Mr. Yukimura outside of class, he was Kira's father and who better to talk to then someone who knows about the supernatural.

"When Kira found out that she was supernatural, how did she learn how to control everything?" It was more of a personal question but right now I didn't really care.

"Well..." He started, "It wasn't as easy as you might think, she struggled a lot. Is this question more about you than Kira, y/n?" Mr. Yukimura leaned forward on his desk putting his hands up to his chin.

"I just found out about all the supernatural stuff and now all this pressure is on me."

"Y/n, you don't have to be perfect on your first try. Try again, fail again, fail better. Yoda."

"I don't think that was Yoda Mr. Yukimura."

"Kira didn't think so either."

Chaos Has Come Again // Stiles Stilinski (Void)Where stories live. Discover now