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Charles thought the poem suited her very much.

"Oh yes! You must be freezing using such thing clothes. I'll have Emma borrow some of my brother's older clothes"

"Mm" Charles nodded.

Lilith took a thin blanket from her clothes and rapped it around Charles to warm him up.

He immediately felt a thousand times more comfortable.

The little girl smiled. "Don't continue to stand. Come sit!" Lilith took his hand and led him to a cushioned chair.

After sitting down, the young boy looked at her with a slight confused expression. Then he asked with hesitation,

"Why....why are you helping me...?"

The girl looked suprised by his question and took a moment before speaking.

"I just.....I just thought....you were somewhat like me...". The shine in her eyes dimmed and she looked down with her head lowered.


"Well....uh... you see...I wasn't born to nobility. I don't have a single drop of noble blood in me. I was an orphan.... Well I don't really remember anything of my blood parents... "

"I was adopted by marquess Bailey... In fact....I was found by the marquess..where...you were..."

Lilith was passing by with Emma when she saw a certain street....

It was where she lived before the marquess adopted her.

So when she saw a boy trembling in the cold, she suddenly had a sense of deja vu...

"....." Charles widened his eyes in surprise. This little girl wasn't born to nobility? But she certainly has the aura of one...

Charles suddenly felt a sting in his heart. He felt that a girl like this should be cherished and shouldn't have endured so much at such a young age.

"M'lady" Emma entered the room, holding a tray with two teacups.

"C'mon! After this I'll give you a bunch of food!" Lilith grabbed Charles's hand.

"Okay" and he intertwined their hands.

"Um!" Lilith blushed slightly and her heart fluttered.

They both sat down beside each other together, with their tea by the window.

"Do you like it....-" Lilith let out a small gasp. She just realized she rushed into things too fast and even forgot to ask for his name!

"Um...my bad..." Lilith apologized then asked for his name.

"Wh-whats your name...?"

"Huh? Oh....Charles."

"Charles..... that's a good name..." She paused then continued, "my name is Lilith....Lilith Bailey!" She said with pride.

She felt so proud introducing herself as with the last name of Bailey. Her eyes slightly brightened as she said that.


"What..? I-i mean...pardon?" She was so caught of guard, Lilith almost forgot to speak in a noble manner.

"Can I call you Lily?"

"Huh? Sure!"

"Well it's a pleasure to meet you, Charles" the young girl smiled with joy.

"It's...a pleasure to meet you too...Lily" the young boy's eyes shows excitement. This...was his first friend....

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