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Her husband was dead and her own son was missing. She couldn't take it anymore and killed herself with poisoned wine.

When Lilith came back to the Bailey mansion, the marchioness suddenly gave her a long and harsh scolding.

She was confused for a moment but then realized what the Marchioness had done.

She was horrified and panicked. She rushed out of the room not even caring say goodbye to the Marchioness.

She ran out of the room and into the halls.

The maids chased after her, calling for her to calm down stop running.

But she didn't listen.

She was going to run down the stairs, but a few servants have just finished mopping it and she slipped and fell head first.

Luckily she managed to survive. However the doctor told them that she had selective amnesia.

She had completely forgotten everything about Charles that happened in the past three years they've spent together.

The marquess and marchioness sighed in relief. They were relieved that it 'wasn't something important'

After that day, Lilith was given even more stricter rules and more classes

Meanwhile back in the Vancelia Empire, Charles was now crowned the Emperor.

Although he was only the second prince, he received the education of the crown prince. Due to his mother who was incredibly favored by his father.

Now he was Emperor, he not only needed to learn more, but he also needed to learn how to use the sword.

No one believed the meek prince to be able to even pick up a sword. But contrary to their expectations, Charles was able to learn it quickly.

As if there was a fire that was ignited in his heart. All of a sudden the meek and weak prince, became a cold and ruthless emperor.

He was only fourteen when he was able to really attend court. Only a year after he became emperor, he was already acting like a true Emperor.

His mother's brother, now the regent, has grown very cocky. So when Charles started acting as a true Emperor, he was a little displeased.

He wanted to keep the power of regent...

Not listening to the people at his side, warning him about how Charles has grown stronger and cleverer, he decided to stage a rebellion.

It didn't take much effort to gather an army. Many officials disliked Charles because of his mother and decided to join the rebellion.

However the rebellion was put down quickly. They didn't expect for the teenage Emperor to be so cunning.

Even though many begged for his royal mercy, Charles new he couldn't keep any of them alive. They were unloyal and could not be trusted.

He immediately sent everyone who joined the rebellion, including his own uncle to be executed.

The people feared a tyrant has come, but Charles actually did a good job in managing the empire and the people's worry started to disapear.

He wanted to rush back to the Sainthallian empire and see Lilith...but he couldn't just leave...

His power to the throne was not yet stable. Everyone would be keeping an eye on him.

And aside from the political reason, the words of thr Marchioness still remained stuck in his mind.

He wanted to go back as a strong emperor and pay back Lilith's kind favor for saving him and caring for him.

The Villainess's Great RevengeHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin