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The other staff members and the owner of the shop were shocked. They thought Angelina was just the daughter of a low rank noble, like a baron or maybe she's the daughter of a merchant. But turns out she's the daughter of a duke!

They all started to pity the man. They looked at him with pity in their eyes, but also some disgust. They knew he deserved it.

Assaulting a noble could lead to heavy charges. Maybe even death.

"You...!" The man was stunned and scared. He was proud to be the son of a merchant but he knew his father disliked him. So his father definitely wouldn't help him. In the past he would bully the other staff, and protected himself using his father as a shield. But unexpectedly he actually bit off more than he can chew today!

Angelina glanced at the owner then asked "is it alright if we borrowed him for a while?"

"O-of course..." The owner was scared. Angelina was smiling but he could tell she was no where near happy.

"What!? No!...you! How dare you! My father has been helping you for a long time! Is this how you repay me!?" The man shouted at the owner. He struggled fiercely while being restrained on the ground.

Angelina said elegantly "your father was the one who helped him right? Not you..and I'm sure your father wouldn't want to keep you anymore after this.."

She then ordered her knight to take him away and take care of it.

He nodded. One of the two knights took the man away and the other one stayed with Marie and Angelina.

Marie was still frightened but eventually calmed down. Then she got mad again.

"How dare he try to hit my miss with his disgusting and dirty hand! Ugh! I'm so mad!" Marie turned to Angelina "miss don't let him off! He tried to hurt you! And your amazing maid!"

Angelina suddenly felt like laughing. Angelina walked towards the owner of the shop.

"Will you be able to pay for the damages?" She asked while glancing at his recked shop. It was a complete mess. The window was broken and the items he was selling was all broken or on the floor.

The man sighed and said "no...i.... I don't have much money. I was going to sell my shop after 2 months anyway...but who would want to buy a messed up shop like mine now..."

Angelina smiled. She then told something to the man that made him have hope.

"Sir I would like to purchase your shop. If you sell it to me, I promise to give you 10% shares of the profit."

The man was stunned.

"Um miss...how old are you..?" He didn't want to be disrespectful but he was curious. Angelina looked extremely young, so he was confused.

"I'm 13" Angelina answered him.

"Your not lying right miss?" He couldn't believe it.

"Pfft...why would I lie sir?" Angelina found the situation funny.

"Miss aren't you too young!?" He was in disbelief. Normally girls her age would be throwing away money and spoiling themselves, but Angelina was different. She acted mature, too mature...

"That's why I told you that you can have a share of the profits. I'm too young and busy to run this shop so I need you to run it in my stead. "

"..." The man's jaw dropped. Was this real!? Could he really keep running his shop!?

He was sad when he made the decision to sell his shop. He loved running it. This shop was actually his father's. Before his father died, he gave the shop to him. But his stepmother and half brother was furious. They tried every means to get the shop, but failed. So they decided if they couldn't have it, he can't either.

The Villainess's Great RevengeWhere stories live. Discover now