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Facing such a frightening situation, shivers ran down Evelina's spine. Why is it frowning? Why is it frowning? That's not supposed to happen! What's happening? The statue wasn't supposed to do that! Evelina rose to her feet and hurriedly tried to flee, but Lilith wouldn't let go of such a good opportunity.

Fearing no one would notice what was happening with Evelina, Lilith called out to attract others' attention, "Lady Evelina,what did you do!?" With a seemingly horrified expression, Lilith shouted. Many were attracted by the sudden scream and looked to where Lilith was pointing. They immediately noticed the change in the Goddess statue. 

"It's frowning…!?"

"What did lady Evelina do!?"

"Is the Goddess upset? Is disaster about to fall upon us!?" 

Due to the commotion, the nearby workers of the temple rushed to the statue to see what was wrong. They pushed Evelina away and glared at her fiercely before kneeling down to beg for forgiveness. Seeing the frantic priests and priestesses, Evelina's panic deepened, only then did she realize that everyone's eyes were set on her. The Sainthallian Empire is heavily religious and loyal to their Goddess. They believe the fate of everyone and everything depends on their Goddess, now how can they stay calm when a situation like this occurs!?

"Lady Evelina, I saw you pray to the statue. What words did you spout to offend our benevolent Goddess?" Lilith played the role of a princess deeply concerned for her people seriously. Though she felt like laughing inside, it's best to react just how any authority figure would in this situation.

"I didn't...!" Evelina tried to deny it but she knew there was no escape in this situation. No matter how desperately she cries, no one would choose her over the Goddess herself. 

After much prayer and more offerings, the statue returned to its original gentle appearance. 

"The Skyler family has sunk so low, now not even the Goddess will cast them her divine gaze..."

"Lady Evelina did behave rudely to lady Harper who is now the saintess. It is of no wonder to me why the Goddess doesn't favor her."

"Wherever Duke Skyler is, he must be trembling with fear now that his dear daughter has offended the saintess and the heavens."

An overwhelming rush of helplessness rushed into Evelina's heart. What could she say? What? This isn't something she could control...! Seeing Evelina panicking like a fish out of water, Lilith smirked secretly. Now this is exciting. Lilith had already planned out a surprise for Evelina for today but this is quite unexpected. Witnessing how Evelina slowly but surely falls into the depths of hell really is worth all the trouble.

Then, Lilith spotted a familiar figure amongst the whispering crowd. Beatrice stood there with face full of nervousness. The two met eyes and both just silently watched one another. Beatrice was the first to look away. She glanced at the helpless Evelina before lowering her head and staying put. 

'Hm, it appears she has finally made up her mind.' Lilith thought to herself. 

"Don't be too frightened, lady Evelina. Not everyone can grasp what might offend the Goddess." Harper emerged gracefully, she looked upon Evelina with what looked to be understanding and virtuousness.

"...yes, thank you for your consideration, your holiness." Though Evelina was aware of Harper's words carrying belittling, there's nothing she can do about it. Harper responded with a gentle smile but the force of her hand that was gripping Evelina's shoulder was but gentle.

"Lady Harper, your too kind. Even if lady Evelina didn't do it on purpose, she must do something. I'm sure lady Evelina is ashamed for putting the priest and priestesses trouble earlier." Alice intervened with suggestive words. 

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