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"Yum!" Alice said with delight while eating a piece of cake. She was eating a chocolate cake.

"Is it really that good?" Angelina teased Alice while laughing a little. Angelina was eating a strawberry shortcake.

"Mhmm! Lina how's your cake?"

"It's good.." the cake was good but Angelina felt that she couldn't enjoy some things as she used to anymore. In the past she would eat cake and some other pastries with Chase, or maybe her adoptive family members.

And not only that but she's been having a weird feeling lately. She felt that she was being watched as soon as she left the estate. But when she looked around she found nobody looking at her. And it was quite crowded downtown so it was quite hard to tell if someone was really watching her. She felt uncomfortable, but somehow she doesn't feel endangered, she felt..safe?

She doesn't know. Many things have been happening and it felt like Angelina couldn't have a day of rest. Today was supposed to be the day she takes her mind off all her troubles but it seemed that she just couldn't relax.

Ever since her reincarnation, she has always be in her guard. She had always kept her walls up. She trusted Marie, Alice and the duchess but she still couldn't trust them 100% .

She wished she could go back to the good old days as Lilith Bailey but at the same time she didn't. Knowing everyone around her was fake and all lying to her, changed everything. She could never see things the same again.

As she was thinking about this her eyes looked as if it was sucked all the life on it, it looked emotionless and empty.

"Uhh....Lina..?" Alice was shocked and creeped out seeing Angelina's expression.

"...yes?" As soon as Angelina replied, the life in her eyes returned.

"Oh..! Well Lina...I was planning to go to a bookshop would you like to join me?" Alice said, she looked quite embarrassed when she mentioned she was going to a bookshop.

"Sure" Angelina agreed with a smile.

In a study, a man was doing some paper work and signing some documents. His black hair and ocean blue eyes shined in the sunlight, making him look extremely attractive. When someone knocked on the door.

"Come in" Charles said, giving the man knocking the door permission to enter.

"Yes your majesty" a man wearing a black hood entered the study. He then got down on one knee in front of Charles.

"How is it?" Charles put down his paperwork and looked at the man.

"Nothing seems suspicious, the lady went to eat with a friend then went to a local bookshop." The man reported on what he had seen.

"Who is this friend?" Charles asked.

"The lady is the second child of count Illiya, Alice Illiya." The man replied.

"Does she seem suspicious? Did she seem to have an ulterior motive?" Charles asks

"No your majesty, she seems to be innocent" The man said.

"Good, go back now" Charles ordered the man to continue his task.

"Yes your majesty.." the man said. He then left the room quietly.

After the man left Charles leaned back on his chair and covered his eyes with his arm, then sighed. A scene suddenly played in his mind.

There was a beautiful little girl. She was wearing a dark green dress. Her hair was styled in pigtails, she looked looked very beautiful and elegant yet cute.

"Charles!" The girl was running around a flower field. She laughed happily then approached him, while holding a flower crown. She took the flower crown, and placed it on younger Charles's head. She laughed again then said

"You look so cute! Hehe!"

Charles pouted a little, then said "your cuter..." While placing the flower crown on her head.

"Ah!" She was suprised, then held on the flower crown on her head. "Hehe! I know!" She said proudly and confidently

Her laugh brought a smile on his face. But her laugh soon faded away and he was brought back to reality.

He sighed again. He wanted to remain in that beautiful memory, before all of that happend....

After a while Charles went back to work.

When Angelina and Alice arrived in the bookshop, Alice immediately went to the novel section. She looked a little embarrassed, but kept a smile on her face.

Alice grabbed a book and gave it to Angelina.

"I didn't know you liked these stuff" said Angelina with a smirk on her face.

Alice nodded then said "yep! Uh...this is my favorite series! It's about a female knight who was once an empress! It's really interesting...and I recommend you read it Lina...ah! But uh...you don't need to!"

Angelina took the book and looked at her cover. On the cover was a beautiful women with long brown hair and blue eyes. She looked fierce and tough, just like a soldier in war. She was holding a sword, stained with blood.

"No no... I'll take it! Thanks Allie!" Angelina said while hugging the book and smiling. She was quite bored in the mansion, so it wouldn't hurt having some form of entertainment.

Alice was suprised and happy. She then hugged Angelina tightly and said "hehe! Your the best Lina!"

Angelina was suprised but the hugged her back. She didn't expect Alice to be like this. What happened to the shy Alice?

However Angelina didn't feel uncomfortable hugging Alice. The hug felt genuine and not fake like Evelina's.

After Angelina bought the book they went out of the bookshop chatting and smiling.

"Lina...I'm quite curious...how is lady Evelina?" Alice said quite nervously. She didn't know about Angelina's hatred towards Evelina, but she could feel that Angina doesn't really want to talk about Evelina.

But Alice was extremely curious. Ever since she met Evelina for the first time, she felt weird around her. Evelina was kinda perfect. She was beautiful, well educated, kind, sweet, but at the same time it was almost fake. Alice had the impression that Evelina's personality was kinda like a doll. Empty, soulless, and fake...

Angelina stopped in her tracks and her expression darkened. Alice was scared but Angelina soon changed her expression to a joyful one.

"She's 'alright'. It's just that...I don't think my sister likes me very much..." Angelina said with a hurt and pitiful expression. You could see the pain in her eyes.

"Oh...really..?" Alice felt bad for Angelina all of a sudden. Alice had two brothers. She was the middle child. She was close with her younger brother but was quite distant with her older brother. She felt bad that Angelina was kinda alone.

Angelina smiled, then started walking again.

Alice started to dislike Evelina. You could see the disgust and disbelief in her eyes. Angelina was so kind and sweet, how could Evelina dislike such a good sister!?

"Now, let's stop talking about her..." Angelina said. Angelina could tell Alice is starting to dislike Evelina, and that was her plan. She wanted Alice to dislike Evelina. Soon her dislike will turn to hate. She hoped one day Alice could see Evelina's true colors.


"Bastard! You will regret this!" Suddenly a loud voice was heard from from the shop nearby. Angelina turned to the voice and sees a middle aged woman running out with someone who seems to be her son. She was cursing at a man in front of a painting shop.

The Villainess's Great RevengeWhere stories live. Discover now