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Both birthday celebrations will be held in the evening, thus the servants were still meticulously decorating the Skyler estate for Evelina's celebration. Evelina has always taken her birthday celebrations very seriously. She would personally oversee the servant's preparation of everything and make sure nothing could go wrong.

However this time Evelina was even more careful than last year. Angelina guessed it was due to herself. Evelina inspected everything. Only when she found that nothing was amiss did she calm down.

Angelina stared at the smug look on Evelina's face and responded with a meaningful smile, appearing docile.

Unfortunately for Evelina, the scheme created to ruin her big event was not in the estate at all. But the imperial palace.

Whilst Angelina was strolling through the garden, Alex came to confront her. He forcefully pulled her away to a secluded area of the garden.

"Don't you dare do anything! Eve is sincerely working hard to make sure today's celebration will end in success! Don't get any ideas that go against her!" Alex fiercely warned.

"Brother, I didn't even do anything. You need not to warn me. How could I ever go against my dearest elder sister?" Angelina's appearence looked pitiful and sincere, but her words were too exaggerated that it made it clear she was using sarcasm.

"Don't play your tricks on me! You are always against Eve! I'm warning you, don't do anything or you will be severely punished!" After saying so, Alex left in a huff of anger. But Angelina turned deaf ears to his words and didn't put it to mind at all.

Why must she be scared of him? Sooner or later she will burn this Skyler estate to the ground anyway...

Angelina glared at his departing silhouette before continuing her stroll in the garden.

Soon, evening arrived and everything was ready. Evelina dazzled in soft blue. Today's gown, unlike her usual ones, is much more grand and deserving for a duke's daughter. Her face was beaming with excitement and happiness. How much she wished to see Rienne's expression right now was unimaginable.

"Father, I'm so excited! I wonder what gifts they will give me!" Evelina joyfully told the duke as the whole family waited for the guests.

"Hahaha! Contain your excitement Eve. The guests will be arriving shortly." The duke laughed and patted his joyful daughter's back dotingly.

An hour has passed and yet no guests have arrived. Evelina was becoming impatient but she still continued to wait. They waited and waited and no guests were arriving.

Evelina was blowing up inside. What was going on!? Where are they!? They dared miss her birthday!? How dare they!?

The duke frowned. Where are the guests? The sun has already begun to set!

Only Angelina knew what happened with the guests. Even though she knows no guests will arrive, she still patiently waited for the guests along with the rest. Waiting was worth it for seeing Evelina's, the duke's, and Alex's eyes darken with every passing moment. Their gloomy faces were simply dashing in her eyes.

Only the duchess remained the same. She looked dazed the whole time. It was clear her mind was wandering elsewhere.

The duke finally couldn't wait any longer and called one of his trusted subordinates to inquire about the matter.

On the way to the estate, the guests got word that the crown prince, the second prince, and the princess are attending lady Rienne's birthday celebration! This was a major surprise for them. The imperial children barely attended any events. What changed their minds? And why did they choose Rienne over Evelina?

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