82) I CAN'T

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After we found Rose and trainer Marco, he and I drove to a hill near the west edge of the territory where it was deserted and quiet, while everyone else took their own places.

I spoke into the ear piece that lets me communicate with the others, "Check, check. Can everyone hear me? Over."

I got all affirmative responses.

On the hill we'll have the high ground and a visual on anything that's approaching before it has a visual on us.

Not that visual means much to hybrids with their keen sense of hearing and smell, but it's something.

"Alright guys, now that the coms are back online, you know the plan" I grunted into the earpiece. "Draw the hybrid army to the hills on the west corner. We'll use weapon number 5543 and this war will be finished in one battle. Over."

If only there were actually a weapon that could do such a thing.

"What about The King? Over." Rose questioned like we planned.

"Does anybody have eyes on him? Over." I played along.

Everyone said no, as expected.

"If anyone gets a visual on him call it in immediately. If he shows up here without his army the weapon is useless and we're all screwed. Over." I tried my best to act panicked.

There's no way this is gonna work.

"Are you sure it doesn't work on him? Over," Happy interjected.

"Yes. 5543 targets their hive mind. If the king comes and disconnects the sonic holocron arc reactor," hopefully no hybrids are fans of space adventures from a galaxy far far away or super hero hi-jinx, "the jig is up. Over."

"Got it. Drawing front lines towards West Hills now, over." Wolfie responded with one of the first true statements this entire conversation.

  . . . Hopefully this was enough to convince the Hybrid King not to take the risk of leading his troops here.

Silence followed over the earpieces but I could still hear the battle going on in the distance.

  I guess this is as good a time as any to see if they really do have hive mind.

  "Our forces are drawing back there but they're not following, Maria. Over," Wolfie told the group.

  Marco and I looked at each other.

  Oh my goddess.

  For once the hybrids' ability to listen in to radio conversations is going to be to their detriment.

  "What?" I couldn't keep the excitement out of my voice, though I'm sure it could easily be confused with panic.

  I can't believe this is actually about to work.

  I'm gonna kill this b*tch for everything he's done.

  I'm not excited about it.

  I don't get excited about killing things.

  But after all the death he's caused, after my parents, after Desi. . . I'm certainly not going to feel bad about it.

"They're not following to the hills. Over," Wolfie repeated.


"Try harder. Over," I demanded, which actually meant get back here for backup, but only we know that.

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