44) Your Move

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I started heading over to a vampire at the bar I noticed was eyeing me.

This time, it was Happy's turn to stop me with a hand on my shoulder. He shook his head in warning and looked between me and Wolfie.

"Relax," I waved him off. "It's not like I'm going to make out with him or anything," I shot a glare at Wolfie.

He sighed when I gently tore my shoulder from his grasp.

I bounced over to the stranger, "Hey," I smiled.

"Hi," He smiled back, turning to face me fully.

Wow, not bad, not bad at all. . .

Not as good as Wolfie, but not bad.

His face has got a boyish look to it, making him more cute than hot. But it's okay, the mischievous smirk and messy light brown hair makes him look like a fun time.

Yay, turns out it may not be torture trying to make Wolfie jealous.

Oh goddess. . . I've never EVER gone out of my way to make someone feel jealous. Not a guy, not a girl, not an enemy. No one.

I know it doesn't seem like that big of a deal, but his ability to make me act as anything other than myself is scary.

"So, do you wanna dance?" I asked the cute stranger, glancing over my shoulder to find Wolfie still sucking face with that chick.

  The stranger nodded, "Sure."

So, we made our way to the dance floor and started having a genuinely good time.

I kept sneaking glances over at Wolfie (and getting pissed when he still seems to be trying to swallow that girl's tongue) but other than that, it was surprisingly fun dancing with this random guy.

He didn't try getting all up in my space in the first five seconds of knowing each other, and he was wearing a charming little smile the whole time we were dancing.

This guy actually seems cool.

I made one of my routine glances at Wolfie and realized I had finally caught his attention.

He's now glaring daggers in our direction.

Good, screw him.

"What did he do?" The charming vampire smirked at me.

"What?" I raised my eyebrows at him.

He chuckled, "The guy you've been glaring at this whole time. What did he do to make you want to make him jealous?"

Am I really that obvious?

I looked down, kind of embarrassed. "Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to use you —"

He laughed, "Nah, it's alright. It's a win-win really. You get to make him jealous, and I get to dance with a pretty girl."

My heart.

I couldn't stop my smile from growing. "You're a pretty cool guy, y'know that?"

"Yeah," he shrugged, "I get that a lot."

I let out an ugly snort at that.

"Aw, you're laugh is cute."

Why couldn't someone like him be my mate? He seems so awesome.

"Thanks," I smiled a little shyly.

"So what'd he do?" He asked again.

"You didn't see him getting all up close and personal with that blonde over there?"

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