42) Nose Goes

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The information the Wonderer gave us lead us to the next informant, then they lead us to the next, then the next, and it was all very repetitive.

I'm just waiting for the one who can give us actual, useful, information.

Luckily though, all of this here-say has been leading us farther out of rogue territory.

We're still in unclaimed land, which means you'll see a couple here and there, but these are usually far less hateful towards higher ups.

  We landed ourselves at a very popular location for these little meetings.

  Another night club.

  Although this one's going to be way more packed. It's prime clubbing hours now. It was a little early in the night before, and not many people were on the streets.

  Now we're going to have to be a little more discreet as to not cause a scene.

  Thankfully, everyone figured we should probably try and blend in on this trip so we dressed pretty casually.

  Wolfie was making me hot with black combat pants, boots, and a dark blue shirt.

  All of which hugged him in all the right places.

  Everyone just wore variations of that and jeans, or joggers or something. Some had jackets or hoodies on.

  Like I said, low key.

  I am wearing basketball shorts and a t-shirt I snatched from my closet before I snuck onboard. My hair's just thrown up in a high pony.

  Maybe a little too low key for clubbing, but what can you do?

  We walked in after giving a nod to the bouncer and got a few stares.

And by a few, I mean practically everyone in the building turned to us. But that's to be expected. A group of high rankers will never go unnoticed, no matter where you are.

  And I'm positive I'll never get used to it.

But I have gotten decently good at ignoring it.

Following the plan to be discreet as we can be, we all sauntered over to the bar.

Some people that were sitting there moved when they saw us coming.

Things like that will always rub me the wrong way.

But that made room for some of us to sit down while the rest just leaned against the bar.

We ordered some drinks.

Well, they ordered some drinks. Wolfie took the liberty to order a Dr. Pepper for me.

I'm not even going to wonder how he guessed this was my favorite soda.

I took it with only an eye roll.

I'll never turn down a Dr. Pepper.

After that, we waited, watching the club around us from the perfect vantage point, really.

For what?

An opportunity.

Our guy was in the far corner playing cards, and stereotypically, had a girl on his arm.

He slammed down a huge wad of cash into the pool and the girl giggled excitedly, like it was the funniest thing she'd ever seen, encouraging him.

I rolled my eyes.

Bet a million bucks she's with one of the other guys, conning him out of all his cash.

The second after I thought that, our target blew up.

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