48) Human Heater

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***Maria's POV***

We're finally taking a break for the night after two days worth of running/walking through this suffocating forest.

But mostly running.

That's alright with me, though. It keeps me and Wolfie from ripping each other's heads off.

  My leg would be more healed if I hadn't put it through so much, but I didn't wanna slow anyone down. Wolfie didn't like that so much, but he'll have to deal with it for time's sake.

Speaking of Wolfie.

I can't stop thinking about him.

Before it was the hybrids, and they've still got my skin crawling, but Wolfie's got my heart pumping.

At a very dangerous rate, might I add.

All of this coming at once is making my head hurt.

I don't know why he popped into my head and wouldn't come out.

It must have been when my talent flared and all my senses got hit with a wave of MATE.

Why did I have to have this talent? This freaking sensing everything before it even happens, sort of thing? And then the added intensified senses?

If I'm being honest I don't even remember the name of it.

I mean, it can be useful, but it causes more trouble than it saves.

The worst part is that it's rare, so I have no one to help me learn to control it.

And the chaos that I put myself through on a daily basis doesn't help.

I'm told I have pretty good control over it for my age, but my brain that's constantly being attacked by sensory overload, may have something else to say about it.

"Maria, you can go ahead and go to sleep. I've got the first watch, remember?" Stephan interrupted my train of thought.

I looked over to him.

"Oh, okay."

I said just to make him happy.

I scooted down the tree trunk I was leaning on so that I'm laying down.

I faced the opposite way of him and found my best friends. They were cuddling in one sleeping bag, looking completely at peace.

I sighed, and turned away from that.

That sight didn't used to be so painful. I'll admit I was the tiniest bit jealous that they found each other at such a young age, and were even friends before they realized, but they've always been my best friends, so I was always happy for them. Even when they made me third wheel on so many things that should have been dates but they made me tag along to.

I've always thought their relationship was the cutest though.

Now, I wanna gouge my eyes out looking at it.

But it's only because I know at this rate, I may never have it.

And that breaks my heart in one of the only places it hadn't been touched yet.

So I turned away from them.

And of course, Wolfie's the next person I see.

  Because why not?

  Why should the Moon Goddess end my suffering?

  I grumbled then just slammed my eyes shut. I just won't look at him.

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