58) The Freaking Bridge

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  Idon'twannadothis, Idon'twannadothis, Idon'twannadothis!!

  My mind is reeling a million miles per minute, my thoughts all jumbled, as we sneak towards the hybrid base. Not away from, like any sane people would, but towards.

  And it was my idea!

  I swear, I knew I was a little crazy, but I didn't realize I was absolutely insane!

What the h3ll am I doing right now?

"So, Maria, which way should we start off with?" Happy spoke quietly. "You can sense them the best," he reasoned.

I have no freaking idea.

"Let's go the direction with the least foliage, that's usually a sign of people."

That makes sense, right?

I have this habit of stating my opinion as facts, and people just go with it.

"Alright, so this direction?" Stephan spoke up.

Sure, why not?

"Yeah," I nodded.

"Alright, lets go," Brandon decided to take the lead.

See. State your opinion confident enough and people will just believe you.

Luckily, my plans usually work out.

I watched the group walk off after Brandon and was about to start following, but Wolfie stopped me with a hand on my wrist.

"Hey, can I talk with you for a sec?"

  I looked after the group as Rose and Brandon turned around to find the hold up.

  I waved them on and turned to Wolfie.

  "Yeah, I guess, but make it quick. We don't want to get separated from the group," I said, wiggling my wrist from his hand. His touch is far too distracting.

He cleared his throat and my eyes followed the sound and froze on my mark.

I hate to say this.

I really do.

But I love the way it looks there.

It makes my heart clench and my eyes sting at the way it happened, but at the same time, when I see it, it gives me a sense of calm. Like everything is how it's supposed to be.

When I hear Wolfie sigh I come back to reality, "Were you even listening?"

  To my surprise, it wasn't snippy, or impatient. It just sounded very. . . Tired.

  I shook my thoughts away, "No, sorry," I looked back up at him.

  Why does he have to be so beautiful?

  After a deep breath, he squared his feet and gently but firmly held my shoulders, so I was looking directly at him. "How about you stay behind or head back for this part," he said to me.

  I sighed and opened my mouth to speak but he spoke first.

  "Please, Maria. It's not that I think you're incapable," he pleaded, "it's just that if anything happened to you," he caressed my face with one hand with scared eyes, "I don't know what I'd do."

  He shook his head, "I'd never forgive myself if I knew there was something I could have done to stop you."

  I gave him a sad, regretful smile, "but there is nothing." I cupped his cheek gently, "Because I can't leave you to fight this alone either. If you, or Brandon, or Rosy died. . . and there was something that I could have done to prevent it. . . I. . . I wouldn't be able to live with myself," I got choked up at the end.

Big Bad WolfieTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang