Chapter 8

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It's been two weeks since I figured out my feelings for Camila. I like her. I honestly felt ashamed of myself for having feelings for someone who was part of my family. We weren't blood related, but still. It was wrong.

It was just like last time when I ignored her, but our parents came home awhile ago. They noticed how quiet I had become and knew something was up between me and Camila, they thought we were having a fight. I overheard them talking the other night about how me and Camila have to solve this problem ourselves and they can't get involved.

Rocky and Normani were worried about me, heck even Devon was. They kept asking me what was wrong, but I refused to tell them. I'm not gonna come out and say oh hey I just figured out that I have the biggest crush on my sister no need to worry.

They would be disgusted.

In the first couple of days Camila would try to engage in conversation with me but I would just cut her off and tell her I wanted to be alone. I couldn't be around her if all I wanted to do was cuddle, kiss and rip her clothes off.

Right now I'm sitting in silence picking at the food on my plate as my our parents talk about their job or something like that. I don't know, I kind of just tune them out.


I looked up to my mom who had a concerned expression on her face. I felt Camila's eyes on me the whole entire time but ignored her.

"What?" I asked monotoned.

"Are you not hungry?" I looked down at my barely eaten chicken stir fry.

I shook my head, "Not really."

She just sighed. Alejandro saw how upset she looked so he changed the subject, "We got a surprise for you girls."

"What is it?" Camila asked with a little bit of excitement in her voice. A small smile started to form on my lips, but I held it back.

"We're all going to this five star hotel resort me and your mother usually go to when we're away on business, it's amazing. It has a great view of the beach and you can actually walk down and go swimming, there's also an arcade and a bunch of other fun stuff to do," he explained looking back and forth between the two of us with a smile on his face.

"All as in the four of us?" I asked. "Or all as in you, Camila, and my mom?"

I really don't want to go. I just want to sit in my room alone, with the lights off and scroll through tumblr in peace. Not go to some hotel with my family that includes being around Camila who will torment me with her presence.

I watch as the smile on Alejandro's face dropped and formed into a grim line, "All of us. Together, as a family."

I just sigh in response.

"Well I'm excited," Camila's cheery voice piped in. I rolled me eyes looking down at my plate playing with the food.

"When are we going?" She asked.

"Tomorrow morning, we'll be back on Sunday."

"Today is Thursday though," I said confused. "Are we missing school tomorrow?"

Alejandro nodded, "Yes, I already talked to the school. They okayed it."

I stole a glance at Camila who looked a little uneasy, I'm guessing at the thought of skipping school. It wouldn't be the first time, I thought to myself. My mind went back to the morning after the kiss, we're sisters we shouldn't fight.

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