Chapter 31

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This is a lil different but I hope you like it

Enjoy :)

Devon ran a hand through his short brown hair and tugged at the ends trying to figure the right things to say.

"So I know this is short notice... But Camila, I like you.. A lot and I was wondering if you would like to go to the dance with me on Saturday?"

No no no, he thought to himself and kicked a rock on the ground. He had never been this nervous to ask a girl out before, and knowing that there's a 99 percent chance she will say no, like she has many many times before, makes him even more nervous and determined to say the right things that will convince her to go with him.

The first time he saw her his heart stopped in his chest and his palms got sweaty and for a moment he forgot how to breathe. He had never seen a girl so beautiful in his 15 years of existence, and when he heard her soft velvety voice mutter a tiny "hello" before going up to her room with her nose buried in a book, he almost fainted. Throughout the years, Camila had gotten even more beautiful, he thought she was attractive yeah, but that didn't really matter to him much. All he wanted was to get to know Camila and just hear her talk about the things she loved and her hopes and dreams now matter how cheesy it sounds. He knows that he isn't exactly the sharpest knife in the drawer when it comes to school and other things but he always hoped that Camila would look passed all that and see him for the nice guy he is.

If she told him to stop drinking and doing drugs, he would do it in a heartbeat. He would do anything for her.

"What and you think she'll date you? You're nothing but an idiot stoner who smokes too much and is failing all of his classes. You're an even bigger idiot than I thought if you think she would actually like someone like you."

Devon tried to shake his best friend's words out of his head but they remained. Lauren was Camila's older sister and he hated it. He knew Lauren tried to fill in the role of the protective older sibling but Lauren never cared about Camila until just recently and he still couldn't figure out why. Graduation was just around the corner so he had to make his move on Camila quick before she slipped through his fingers and was gone forever, but Lauren didn't understand no matter how many times he tried to explain his feelings for her sister.

What hurt him so badly was that it was his best friend who said those things... She knew how badly it hurt when people made fun of him for his grades because he did try in school, but it wouldn't click in his brain and he would end up failing an assignment he thought he did good on. Lauren knew this... But she said it anyway knowing that it would hurt him.

He was mad at her and now he wanted to prove that he could get a girl that was brilliant and beautiful. He wanted to prove that he could get Camila, and he was willing to give it one more shot.


Grasping a white rose in his sweaty hand he ran the other through his hair as he stood in front of the Jauregui-Cabello household. There was only Camila's car in the driveway so he assumed the parents must be out and Lauren is over at Normani's.
That enabled him to let out a breath of relief knowing that he won't have to run into Lauren or her folks.

"You got this Dev," he told himself as he walked up to the doorstep.

A loud scream from inside the house made him jolt in surprise, adrenaline ran through his veins as he tried to look inside the little windows on the door but that was no use, he couldn't see a thing. He quickly ran to the backside of the house to the glass sliding door, Devon grabbed a hold of the door knob but didn't open it.

He had to squint to make sure what he was seeing was real. No way in hell. This is fucking real. No, he didn't see Lauren pick Camila up from under her thighs and sit her top of the counter. And he definitely see the way Camila laughed as Lauren kissed her neck. He wasn't seeing this.

Everything begin to click in his brain, now he understands why Lauren has been so protective of Camila, because she's dating her. All of the anger he feels by watching them turns to hurt, why couldn't have Lauren just told him so he didn't have to find out this way? The most painful way.

His head hung low as he turned away from the window, dropping the rose on the ground he walked back to where he came from knowing that no matter what he did Camila would never say yes because she was with Lauren, her sister and his best friend.


Sorry for the long wait and for this chapter being short, this is my like first time writing 3rd person POV and so I hope I didn't do too bad. Haha what do you guys think?

Tell me about it in the comments and don't forget to vote!

Thanks for reading :)

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