Final Chapter

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I woke up with a headache. The pounding so intense I could practically hear it slamming against my temples. Bright sun rays shined through the blinds, not helping in the slightest but I ignored it when I rolled to my side and came in contact with the love of my life.

A smile formed on my lips when I see Camila completely sprawled out on the bed, foot sticking out from the blanket and hair cascading around her cute face.

Memories of last night flew across my mind like a movie, one that I'd watch on repeat and never get tired of. The loud music, playing pong with Camila, getting drunk with all my friends, the water balloons filled with glow in the dark paint and the swimming. It took a turn for the worst when the cops showed up but Camila and I took the fuck off and had our own little drunken adventure, which made the night even better with the alcohol induced conversations that still gave me butterflies just thinking about. But to end the night perfectly, we made love then fell asleep curled up in each other's arms.

Last night was perfect and I wouldn't change a thing.

I admired Camila's cute sleeping face, she looked so peaceful and relaxed. Her breaths were slow but deep and I loved the way those dark long lashes rested perfectly on her cheeks.

Not being able to control myself any longer, I  leaned forward planting a small kiss on the tiny mole on the crown of her head. A content sigh fell from my lips as I continued watching her sleep, I could do this for hours...

"Get the fuck out of my house NOW!"

I nearly jumped out of my skin at the sound and loud stomps coming from downstairs. My heart began to race as I sat up quickly, my body on full alert. What the fuck is going on?

Camila stirred stretching underneath the covers unaware of what woke her up.

"What's going on?"

I stuttered, "I-I don't know."


I flinched again and stood to my feet looking over at Camila. Her entire face drained of any color and her eyes widened as she scrambled out of bed. I froze waiting for something else to happen but Camila ran her hands through her hair, adjusting her clothing and then raced to the door, I reached a hand out to stop her.

"Camz wait—" but she opened the door and ran without looking back. I sighed deeply and followed quickly behind in fear about what we were about to walk in on.

I raced down the hallway and down the stairs but stopped in the middle when I saw Camila standing there, her hands covering her mouth at the bottom of the staircase. Looking over the railing to the exposed living room, my heart stopped at the sight.

Alejandro was pressed to the wall by the collar being held back by Chris. My mom was crying hysterically in the middle of the living room standing in front of my dad who was breathing heavily with a bloody nose dripping down to his busted lip.

"What the fuck is going on?" I shouted.

My adrenaline fully kicking in as I ran down and put myself in front of Camila to protect her from the horrible scene that's playing out.

"Tell them!" Alejandro shouted trying to step forward but Chris' tall stature and strong arms pushed him further into the wall.

"Tell everyone what the fuck you did!"

My mom sobbed loudly as her eyes fell on us, "I'm so sorry."

Everything began to click in my mind when my dad stepped forward and wrapped his arms around my moms frame, and kissed the side of her head.

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