Chapter 32

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Enjoy :)

It was quiet when I opened my eyes, the only sound was the soft breaths coming from the girl resting on my chest. I smiled and brushed the hair out of her face and climbed out of bed without waking her up.

I threw on one of Camila's clean shirts and sweatpants before making my way downstairs while my mind was racing and trying to come up with what to do tonight.

Tonight is the school dance and Camila and I aren't going. We had a whole discussion on what to do and we both decided not to go. Camila thinks we're just going to stay in and cuddle and watch movies all night, but nope. I have a little trick up my sleeve but I still have yet to figure out what that trick is..

I sighed as I walked into the kitchen and poured myself a bowl of frosted flakes and began eating. I scrolled through tumblr while I ate, suddenly something came across my feed that sparked some inspiration in me.

I smiled, "Perfect."

After finishing my bowl of cereal, I went up stairs into my room and changed into something different. Well, I actually just changed from sweatpants into jeans but kept on Camila's Arctic Monkeys t-shirt.

Trying to be as quiet as possible, I tip-toed back into Camila's room and see that she is still sleeping, with the big blanket covering her whole body expect for her head that was sticking out. I smiled as I walked over to her quietly and knelt down beside her. I just stared at her beautiful peaceful face, her adorable little button nose, her pink curved lips that were slightly opened. I leaned forward and gave her a kiss on the forehead before I walked out of her room, but not before I scribbled a note telling her I would be back later, it said:

Good morning beautiful, I will be back soon so don't worry. I love you baby :)


I made my way downstairs and slid my shoes on and grabbed Camila's car keys off of the hook by the door.

When I open the door, I'm face to face with the person I least suspecting.

"Hey Lauren."

A lump forms in my throat when I thought of the last thing I said to him. Without giving it a second thought, I stepped forward and wrapped my arms around his waist.

"I'm so sorry," I mumbled against his chest. A bit of relief flowed through me when I felt him return the gesture.

A moment of silence we pulled out and I looked up at him.

"Can we go for a walk and talk?"

"I was just about to..." the words stop in my throat when I saw the hopeful look on his face, and I also wasn't about to tell him what I was really doing. "Yeah sure, of course."

We walled over to the park down the street that Normani and I usually chill at. I followed him to the swings when I noticed he was dressed nicely but his shirt and pants were wrinkled. Strange.

We sat down and a minute of silence passed when I decided to break it.

"Devon I'm so sorry for the things I said," I started off strong but the guilt began to creep up creating a lump in my throat. "I shouldn't have been so mean to you and said the things I did. That was so shitty of me to do, you're my best friend and I sincerely apologize for hurting you."

I stared at him intently waiting for his response. Suddenly, he got off of the swing rubbing the back of his neck and paced back and forth with a frown on his face. After what felt like forever he finally spoke. I gulped.

"I love you Lauren, you're my best friend and I accept your apology but what I don't understand is why."

I raised a brow in confusion, "Why what?"

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