Chapter 24

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I know I said I would update tomorrow.. But here it is..

Enjoy :D

For the past month, I have woken up with a wide grin on my face. All thanks for to my wonderful girlfriend Camila. There's something about her that makes me grin like an idiot and my heart beat rapidly in my chest. The night I had asked her to be my girlfriend was the best night of my life, especially when she said yes and jumped into my arms (knocking the pumpkin out of my hands) and gave me the best kiss I have ever received and to be honest, I've kissed a lot of people mostly boys and they've never made me feel what that one kiss did. It was as if an electric shock was between is, it was amazing, there was something else in there that I still have yet to figure out.


I blink and turn my head to the person who called my name. Rocky sat there with a confused look on his face.

"What did you say?"

"Are you going to Jade's party tonight?" Devon piped in from across the lunch table.

"Jade Thirlwall?"

They both nod.

"No way," I tell them shaking my head. "No way in hell."

"Lauren, come on," Devon says. "Yeah you and Jade had a nasty break up, but she does throw the best parties."

I scoff, "our break up was only 'nasty' because she turned into a psycho when I told her I didn't want a girlfriend anymore."

Rocky and Devon both laughed and shook their heads at me.

"Hey guys," a familiar voice said next to me. I turn and smile up at my best friend who got over mine and Camila's relationship. Normani. It took her about a week to get used to the idea of Camila and I, she's still a bit weird about the whole thing but she's over it and accepts us.

"What are you guys talking about?" She asks as she takes a seat.

"Jade's party tonight," Rocky informed her. "You going?"

"Lauren's ex Jade?"

Rocky nods.

Normani bursts into laughter, I roll my eyes at her. Of course she would laugh at me.

"That chick is crazy as hell!" She says in between laughs.

"She's hot as fuck though," Devon smirks. "Don't you agree Mani?"

Normani's laughs stop, "Why are you asking me? I don't like girls like that."

"Just agree with me," he says monotoned.

She shrugs, "I guess yeah."

"She's hot," he mumbles to himself.

"Anyway, " Rocky says, his eyes darting back and forth between Normani and I. "Are you two going tonight?"

"I'll go," Normani tells him.

All their eyes land on me, waiting for my answer. Going to a party sounds like an awesome idea, but it's Jade's party. She's crazy as hell and I would want Camila to come along with me. But nothing would be more weird than my current girlfriend (who people see and know as my sister) and my ex girlfriend meeting.

"I don't know guys."

Devon and Normani of course groan and surprisingly so does Rocky, which is weird. He never does.

He notices my frown, "I'm bringing Skye tonight, and I really want you to meet her."

"I'll ask my parents," I tell them all. They nod and go into discussion about who's getting weed and all that shit, while my mind wanders into thoughts about my beautiful girlfriend.


With my hands held above my head, Camila kisses me feverishly while straddling my lap. I gasp when she trails her soft lips down to my neck planting wet kisses.

Camila brings her lips back up to mine capturing my bottom lip between her full ones. I moan when I feel her tongue swipe against my lip.

"Camz I-I have to te-tell you some-t-thing–" I try to speak but she stops me by shoving her sleek tongue into my mouth.

A few minutes go by, and Camila keeps kissing me until she hums against lips and pulls back with a pop, but not before licking my bottom lip with the tip of her tongue.

She lets go of my hands and sits back on my hips. An innocent smile on her face, she runs her hand through her long hair and peers down at me with pink cheeks and bruised lips. "You had something to say?"

I let out a breathy laugh, "You're crazy." Is all I manage to say.

My insides turn to mush when I see the way her nose scrunches up and she captures her tongue between her teeth as she laughs her cute loud obnoxious laugh.

"Laur." I love when she calls me that. Fuck. "What did you really want to say?"

An uneasy feeling creeps into my belly. Maybe I shouldn't even bring it up. But the look she has, waiting my answer I can't help but tell her.

"There's a party tonight," I begin. She purses her lips. "And I want to go to it."

Without a word, Camila climbs off of my lap and sits down with her back to me. I sit up and raise a brow at her.

"If you want to go then you should go," her voice sounds weird. It's like she's telling me to go, but then it's like 'if you go I'm gonna be mad at you'.

"Hey," I wrap my arms around her. "I want you to come with me," I say resting my chin on her shoulder.

"You do?" Her voice nervous.

"Yeah baby. It should be fun."

"Who's party is it?"

Shit shit shit.

"Uh..." She turns around in my arms with her perfectly curved brow raised. "Jade's."

"Jade?" She questions, her voice stern. "Jade as in your ex girlfriend?"

I look away from her heated gaze and run a hand through my hair, "Yeah, that's the one."

"We're going."

I whip my head around to look at her, almost breaking my neck in the process at how fast I did. I was expecting an argument, this is surprising.

"I know we can't hold hands and kiss in front of everyone, to let them all, especially Jade, know you're mine, and I'm yours," she tells me sounding bummed. But once her brown eyes meet mine there's this devious glint in them. "But I know how to fix that problem."

I look at her confused, what does that mean? I open my mouth to say something, but I'm cut off by being tackled back onto the bed. Camila straddles my waist once more and attaches her lips to my neck. My hands cling onto her back once I feel her teeth scrape against my skin, and begin to suck.

"Ah!" I yelp, when she bites down roughly into my neck. I moan once I feel her warm tongue sooth the fazed area. Another rough bite, she gives my neck another lick and a soft kiss before getting off my lap leaving me panting there on her bed very turned on.

I lean up on my elbows, and watch the way her sexy hips sway as she walks to her closet.

Camila turns around with a smirk on her lips, "Now that bitch will know you're taken."


Well hello there.. It's been awhile.

I'm so sorry for the long wait and the short chapter. I promise you though, the next chapter will be long and I'm going to throw in a tiny hint of smut in there, just for you ;). And I won't take forever to update.

I love you guys thank you so much for all the reads. It's unbelievable.


Love you...

Not Something Sisters Do (Camren)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя