Chapter 27

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Enjoy :D

(Characters above)

"Dad I told you, I'm staying here for Christmas break."

He sighed into the phone, "But Lauren I haven't seen you in two years..."

It was my turn to sigh as I played with Camila's slender fingers, "You, Chris and Taylor are coming here for Spring Break so I'll see you then.."

"That is true" he said. "But are you sure?"

"I'm sure."

"Alright... Well I love you Lauren."

"I love you too dad."

He cleared his throat, "Is your.. mom there?"

I raised a brow, "Uh no, her and Alejandro are at work."

"I could leave a message if you want," I offered.

He declined, "No just tell her I called."

A couple minutes later we said our goodbyes and hung up. I let out a deep breath and threw my phone at the foot of my bed.

I fell over to the side, my head landing on Camila's lap. Her soft hands found their way into my hair, stroking gently. I sighed happily and closed my eyes.

"So," Camila began. Ah, I could just fall asleep to sound of her soft raspy voice... "How did it go?"

"How'd what go?" I responded already feeling myself begin to drift.

"Your conversation with your dad," I could hear her tiny giggle at the end and I couldn't do anything but smile tiredly, eyes still closed.

"Lauren don't you..."

That was all I heard before I fell asleep on my girlfriend.


When I opened my eyes it was dark and I didn't feel the warmth I usually wake to, I was cold. I looked around my dark room and there was no sign of Camila.

I was alone.

Sitting up I ran a hand through my hair, did she really leave while I was sleeping? I was annoyed. Jaw clenched, I threw the blankets off of me and stormed out of my room.

I went down the stairs and I could hear the TV as I got closer to the living room.

Did she really leave me alone in my room to go watch TV? I have one in my room she could've watched it in there instead of ditching me to watch it down here. That's what annoyed me. I mean, yeah okay I was sleeping... but waking up alone is the worst.

I got downstairs and went into the living room and see Camila lying on her back with her phone right in front of her face and the TV on in the background.

I threw my hands in the air, "Seriously?"

Camila heard me and sat up, brown eyes wide.

I continued, "You left me–"

"Oh Lauren," I was interrupted by the sound of my mother's voice. Shit shit. "You're finally awake."

My heart was racing as I turned around and faced her, "Hey mom."

"Hi honey," she smiled. "Dinner will be ready in a bit."

I returned the smile because it had been days since I've seen her. "Alright sounds good."

She walked off into the kitchen, but then I remembered my conversation with my dad.

"Mom," I called out. She turned around. "Dad said for you to call him."

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