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Around and around we go
The carousel of our mind
The past circling back
Creating pain and sadness every-time
The horse is decorated with bows and flowers
The same decorations on each one

Around and around you go
Noticing similarities on the merry go
The same bright clouds
Same joyful laughter
A pattern of spinning in circles
Hard to do for hours
Get off that horse of white
Death is lurking when boredom strikes

Standing, looking
Waiting for it to spin
The cold horse
I will not ride it again
On my feet is where I'll stay
Walking forward is now the way
Afresh new look around me
A swing
A slide
Many other things to play
A daze, a gaze- a splendid water fountain
The cool stream, light breeze
Dipping my feet to escape the heat

The horses begin spinning
On the beautiful carousel
The children laugh and play
Then get off and depart their ways
Each going about their day
Not stuck in a pattern
Of laughter and laughter
Until the ride- no longer fun
They go round once
Each experience anew
No going more than a few
So I learn from the youth
I let that horse be
Instead, I appreciate the view
No repeating circles- the ruin of the new

Life experiences Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora