Insecurities: poison or medicine pt. 2

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Injecting poison into reality
Tongue like a snake
Slithering about
Searching for new prey

Sit with yourself
Dissecting the pain
Then discarding the pile
On to the next journey
For new growth awaits
*SNAP* goes a twig
*BOOM* a shot in the distance
So you slither on your way
No resistance
Transformation can take place
Wings sprouting, feather's growing
Wings broken, body bruised
On your feet you will walk
A path beaten from overuse

Days of searching
Nights of hiding
A new path you stumble upon
Busy and narrow
Your heart beats
Breathe shallow
Wings lift
Then fall to the ground
You must walk a little longer
With time- healing you will find
Counting steps
Avoiding traffic
Growing a little stronger
Your wings lift to the sky

Instagram: live.with_intention

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