Insecurities: poison or medicine

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Walking through a forest
Sky blue
Wind rustling branches
Body tingling as feathers move
Matching the ways of the leaves
You've come down for a rest
As you walk along the forest path
A bush rustles and you pause
Noise grows louder as you stare in awe
*Sssss* what's that?
Unfamiliar sounds
Curiosity strikes
You step closer
A sleek being approaches
It's colors of red and yellows
Moving on it's own

"Come clos*ss*er, you see
You don't know what I am
But I can show you
I only need one chance*sss*"
He won't know what *ss*struck him
By chance I will kill him
Filling him with my poison
Then filling my stomach
My needs*ss* satisfied

Drawing nearer
Words pulling the mind
Allowing vulnerability
Only to find
Predators searching for prey
Latching on- piercing fangs
Venom releasing into veins
Bird cries in agony
Tossing, turning
Body transforming
Sleek and deceiving
Killer's beauty
Prey reeling
Continuing along the forest floor
Hunger overwhelming
Must find something to devour
Sensing, smelling, slithering about
Oh look,
An opportunity in sight

A small, soft lamb
Rose thorns holding captive
In its bush of beauty and pain
"Help me, please. I've lost my way
My mother and sisters
Have left me astray."
Inching closer
Time will tell
Will I kill her or make her change
Injecting poison
Her body shakes
Death overtakes

Stuck in the forest
Injecting poison
Into the world
No sitting with pain
No mercy or grace
Each day reliving
Pull of hunger staying just the same
You will hunt and fight
Devouring innocence
Further and further from the light
Deeper still, avoiding the cries
With only one goal in mind

Instagram: live.with_intention

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