Chapter 30

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Hi everyone. Yes I am surprisingly still alive and kicking. Things in my life have gone haywire and I have been struggling in all aspects of life but I'm hoping to be coming back slowly but surely. My grandmother has gotten a lot worse and now most of her care has fallen on my shoulders and it has made my life very difficult. But anyways I have maybe 2 more chapters as I've dived headfirst into writing again.
*Stay strong and carry on*


It has been a year. A whole damn year since this thing started, I never thought this is where I would be 2 years after high school. Being married to my stepbrother, having 2 kids, one from Kyle and another from my rapist/torturer/murderer/ex best-friend.

I remember the day I was taken out of the induced coma, it was 3 months after the final day. I don't know how my body was able to recover from the burns and all the pain from my injuries I had, and still form a baby. Kyle told me there was a time they thought I had lost the baby, but it was a false alarm.

Being told while I was still on that awful ventilator, that I was pregnant with that monsters child was one of the most difficult things I have ever experienced in my life.

I couldn't cry, I could only cry a few hours later when the doctors determined I was strong enough to come off of the ventilator. And did I cry when I could.

I cried for myself, for the unborn baby I was carrying that I wasn't sure if I wanted to keep, for the time I missed with Caleb, for the loss of my mom and for Kyle's part because he had to go through this all by himself.

For the first week after I found out I was pregnant with his child, I hated this  baby with a burning passion. Nobody could help me, I was mostly sedated so that I could remain calm throughout most of my pregnancy. When the pain meds were reduced and I could finally think straight, I realized that if I was not meant to carry a baby, I wouldn't have fallen pregnant.

Caleb was switched over to a bottle as he had no way of being breastfed, duh. I missed so many milestones.

And here we are a year later. Caleb is now an energetic toddler who is running around non-stop. And now he is a happy big brother to his little sister Sarah Ava. In honor of that Agent who died trying to save my mom and the twins...

Anyways it was really difficult for me and Kyle to adjust, he didn't want me to keep her. But I refused to give up a baby because the chances of being adopted or fostered were really low, seeing as I more or less knew the system from school and friends.

But now it is better, he has accepted her and now that I am finally completely healed physically and declared fit to finally drive and just be as normal as I can be. I now need to see come face to face with myself and now I need to forgive myself and all the choices I have made.

I stare at my reflection, my scarred skin and all my other scars still cause me to feel very self conscious about how much skin to show.

I jump out of my skin when the phone rings. I place a hand over my beating heart and take a breath. I reach over and answer the phone.

"Hello?" I ask as I see Caleb walking past the doorway with Kyle hot on his heels, I smile at the scene.

"Good morning, is this Dianne?" A woman asks. I look over at the crib and see Sarah sleeping peacefully without a care in the world. I sweep my fingers through her blonde hair.

"Yes this is her. How may I help you?" I smile when her eyes flutter open and she gives me a toothless grin. Those green eyes... atleast have a tiny hint of brown in them.

"Ma'am this is Cindy from the court." My face drops and I pull my hand away from her as if I was burnt. "Ma'am are you aware that today in two hours there is a scheduled and monitored meeting of Jayden James." The mere mention of his name sends shivers throughout my body. "And his daughter."

My mouth opens and no words come out. "Please do come to the correctional facility and bring the baby with."

"Don't do this to me... please!" I cry out into the phone, I never thought I'd have to face him again.

"Ma'am I'm sorry but if you do not show up, you will be-" the tears stream down my face and the lady stops talking for a moment. "Listen sweetie..." her voice softens as I sniff, Sarah starts crying and fussing. Kyle stands holding Caleb in his arms, he leans against the doorway with a concerned face. "I'm sorry, I know how difficult this must be for you but if you don't show up the court may force you. And sweetie, don't let it go that way."

"F-for h-how long?" I manage to get out.

"Atleast 30 mins..." I feel as if my world stops once more. "An officer will be in the room at all times, he will still be in some type of restraints. If it will not be an issue, your husband may be with you."

I reach out to Kyle and pass him the phone. I pick up Sarah, and cradle her. "Why does he want to see you? Why?" I whisper to her as she calms down.

The ride from Silver's house is silent, Caleb will stay there while we go to this torturous visit.

"Babe..." Kyle tries but I hold my hand up to him. "Okay..." he says with a sigh.

I let my thoughts roll around in my mind and before I know it, we're by the place. We get out and Kyle goes to take Sarah's car chair but I stop him. He stares at me and I just bury myself into his chest.

He calms me down, takes my hand and grabs Sarah. We walk into the facility and to reception, a lady looks up at me and I see her name tag. "Oh you must be Dianne." She gives me a sympathetic smile. "This way..." she gets up and guides us to a room that has two metal benches and a table. "Take a seat... he is being moved." She gives me a sympathetic look before quickly exiting the room.

My body starts shaking from terror as Kyle places the car chair next to the metal bench that I find myself sitting on.

The room is silent... the only things I can hear is my heart and Sarah suckling her dummy.

A jingle and jangle starts to move closer to the room. My shaking worsens and I try not to let sobs escape me.

Kyle tenses as the noise stops just before the door. Two guards step into the room and stand on either end of the doorway. The rattling starts once again and I see the bright orange uniform appear.

As soon as he walks in, or more like shuffles in, he smiles as if he won the lottery. My heart stops for a few moments and I take a breath. Not ready to do this.

They Are Mine And Mine Only. (Book 2 of Mine And Mine Only)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin