Chapter 10

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I have crossed off 5 places and now I'm by the 6th on the list. As I drive into the small town my phone rings. I check the caller ID and answer. "Reggie, what ya got for me?" I pull up to where my map says the shop is, I slow down and wait to hear what he's got for me.

"Yeah. Freddy got arrested, FBI tracked things back to him..." I sigh and rub my temple. "But that wasn't until he got this juicy information." That peaks my interest "there might be a location on the mother..."

"Tell me more." I say as I sit up straighter and look at the shop infront of me, people coming and going. Some bald man helping another older man mop the floor. A man comes out carrying a huge bouquet of Red Roses.

"I'll send you an address, but it seems as though she slipped up when she registered her kids at a school. She tried to correct it but it had already been in the system for a day, that's how Freddy picked it up. You ready for the address?" I scramble for a pen and paper but I scribble it down.

"Thanks Reggie, one step closer. One step closer. Let me know if there's anything else, I'll head to the address as soon as I finish checking this shop out. After this one, I give up, they are probably relocating her as we speak." The bald man is on his phone and I see him scowl. "I gotta go."

I frown as I get out and head to the door. He looks like he is having a really intense conversation. My hairs rise and I feel like this might be it.

I enter the shop and see the bald guy push the mop down before disappearing through a door to the back, I guess? I stroll through the shop casually for a while before the older man approaches me. "Hello young sir, may I help you?"

I think for a while, playing things out in my mind for a quick second or two. I pull my phone out and scroll to a picture of Dianne. "Sir, I was told to meet Desiree here?" I show him the picture and I pray that this works.

"Ah Desiree, yes, do you know about the family emergency?" He asks and I feel myself get a rush, I nod my head. "Okay well I think she's busy feeding the little one." He chuckles and I force a smile whereas I feel my anger bubbling to the surface. "This is his usual feeding time... give her a few minutes then I'll call her for you?"

"Thank you." I say and I feel my hair rise, my mouth waters at the possibility of seeing and getting my hands on her. I turn to look at the flowers on display and grip the knife hidden in my waistband.

I hear a door slam and I whip my head towards the door that leads to the back room. A shriek is heard and I move closer to the door, I'm about to turn the handle when the man comes back. "Excuse me young man?" I freeze and lift my head to him. "What are you doing?"

"I..." my brain works in overdrive, my mind is clouded with images of my hands around her neck and seeing the panic in her eyes as they slowly lose the life inside them. "I really need to see her sir..." I manage to get out.

"She's busy feeding the baby-" that's it. That's the last that I can hear about the baby. I launch myself at him and before he can even react or make a sound, my hand clamps down on his mouth.

I stab him in the stomach multiple times, I feel the blood run down my hand and I hear the squishy noise with each plunge of the knife. "It is a family emergency after all..." I whisper to him. His eyes are wide and I see the life drain out of him. Just as a precaution I slit his throat, making sure he's dead.

I go back to the door, my heart thumps in my ears, I push open the door leading the way with my knife. Nobody. I search the room again and again. Nobody. But I smell that distinct baby smell, I see notes on one of the work stations. Instantly I recognize her handwriting.

I run to the back door and fling it open, only to see a black slightly run down SUV speeding out of the parking lot. I catch the license place and I repeat it as I take one of the notes she wrote and I write the registration down.

It hits me then, just how close I was. "Fuck!" I let the anger consume me and I walk back inside, I throw her work space table over and grab the chair. I bang it against the vases and I hear the satisfying shattering and crashes.

After a while of destruction. I go back to where the dead man is, I stick my fingers in the now cold and clumpy blood. I write a message for the Detectives on the counter in his blood.

I'm getting closer.
Are you?

I quickly wipe my hands on the man's shirt that isn't soaked in blood. I put my knife back and quickly walk back to my car. Once inside I bang the steering wheel "so fucking close!" I take a few moments to gather myself.

I type in the address of the school of the twins. It's a good day and a half drive away, and that's if I push my hours of driving. I decide to try and get there within two days, three max. I go to the closest gas station and fill my tank, as well as grab a few snacks for the road.

I may have missed her... but they don't know that I know the mother's fatal mistake. I pull away with a smile on my face because I know...

I know I'm one step closer to what is supposed to be mine.

They Are Mine And Mine Only. (Book 2 of Mine And Mine Only)Where stories live. Discover now