Chapter 33

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Hello everyone.
I would like to thank you all for supporting my books and me. I just felt like we needed an ending for Detective Jordan as I have grown very attached to him and his fellow partners.
Stay safe and stay strong everyone.

Detective Jordan

I glance at Grant over the file I'm currently reading. He scrunches his face and blows out a puff of air while paging the exact same file I have. I let out a chuckle and he whips his head towards me. "What the hell are you laughing at?" He sneers at me and I just laugh louder.

His patience runs thin so I cave in. "Fine. Fine..." I hold up my hands in mock defeat. "Don't you see what I see?" He shakes his head and throws the file down. "Man, it was the business partner. He had the most-"

"Huh uh. No. He defaulted as the victim was already leaving the business and had sold his shares." He interrupts me.

"But the partner didn't know that at the time of his killing, remember when he-" my phone on my desk rings and I quickly clear my throat. "Jordan." I say in my professional Detective voice.

There's silence before I hear a voice that I've secretly been longing to hear all day long, even though I would never admit it out loud. "Well hey there... you..." my lips turn up into a smile and Grant raises an eyebrow at me.

I wave my hand at him. "Hey Liz." Grant grins like a freak. "Long time no speak..." I laugh and there's just silence on that end for a while.

"What are you talking about? We spoke just last week... with our weekly calls..." she says slowly and I feel a slight blush rise to my cheeks. I turn in my desk chair and Grant cocks his head sideways.

Once my back is to him I hear her soft voice again. "Have you still not told him?" I clear my throat and shift in my seat. "Oh." She says and guilt flows through me.

"I am going to. It's just..." I leave my sentence open and I hear my partner scoff from behind. "What can I do for you Liz?" I ask in the sweetest voice I can muster.

"Well... this is an actual business call." I turn back to Grant with a surprised expression.

"What is it? Tell me?" I hear him demand from me. I hold my hand up to him.

"Well... now you have my undivided attention..." I tap my fingers on the desk while a few scenarios play through my mind.

"I have finally gotten the go ahead and authorisation." I frown as she never mentioned this in our weekly calls that have taken place over the past 9 months. "I know I never told you but I didn't want to make a big deal about it, if it wasn't going to happen."

I sit up straighter and Grant begs me with his eyes. "Go on..." I say.

"Okay so..." she pauses leaving me hanging for a few moments. "My big boss has finally given the papers through and your captain signed off on the transfers." My eyes go big and Grant practically gets on his knees to hear what I'm hearing. "What do you say to coming to start up a three man team in the FBI?"

I'm speechless. Therefore, there is just silence. "Jordan?" She calls out for me, but my mind is reeling.

'Would this be the fresh start I have been so desperately searching for? Would Grant follow me? But most of all... she got me a job closer to her? I would do it in a heart-'

They Are Mine And Mine Only. (Book 2 of Mine And Mine Only)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt