Chapter 9

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I place Caleb in his chair after playing with him for a while and changed his nappy. I begin to arrange the different bouquets, I start with the one that seems to be the biggest order. Red Roses and plenty of them. I snip the ends off, tie an elastic band around the stems making sure they stay in place.

I grab the pink tissue paper to compliment the red and wrap them in it. Once that's in place I wrap the cellophane around them keeping the tissue paper still in place. After that I grab a piece of pure white ribbon and tie a tight bow around the layers. I make sure it is secure before I place it in a vase of water. I find the note that goes with it and I place it in the bouquet.

I place the vase on the table reserved for the finished bouquets. Not long after I placed it down, it's taken to the front. I assume the customer has arrived to collect it.

I return to my desk looking to see which one is next but Caleb has other ideas. He screams and I pick him up. "Hungry again little man?" I ask him but I know the answer.

I grab the thin blanket from the bag and drape it over my shoulder to cover myself and Caleb. There's no privacy here and the bathroom stall is too tiny for me to feed him.

I pull my shirt up and help him latch on, once he does I rock slightly and run my fingers over his arm. I close my eyes to relax.

"Desiree." The door bursts open so fast I almost fall off of the chair. But from the fright the blanket falls off of my shoulder. Eric covers his eyes as I shriek. "I-I'm sorry... but we need to leave..."

"But Caleb jus-" I begin to protest as I cover myself again. Eric moves his hand and I see the worry on his face. 'Wha-"

"We need to leave... now." I look at him and down to the baby sucking furiously for his milk. "Well... finish feeding him... I'm going to fetch Keagan..."

"Wha-" before I can say anything he leaves. Now I'm worried. "Come on boy drink quickly so we can see what's going on." I say to him and pat his bum to encourage him to drink quicker, which he does.

Once he stops sucking and falls asleep. I detach him from me and put him in his chair plus strapping him in. I pull my shirt down and get my things together. I wait for Eric to return.

Not long after I get my stuff together the door bursts open again and I jump again. "Geez! Stop doing that!"

"Let's go." He growls out and I pick up the stuff. I see K standing behind him with a worried expression. We walk out the back door. "To the car." We do as told. I fasten Caleb in his chair and sit next to him. Eric starts the car and pulls away. "When we get home. Pack immediately as fast as you can. We need to move."

I look to Caleb before I ask. "What's happening Eric?" He stays quiet. "Answer me." I say sterner.

"Our location has been compromised as well as your identities." I sit and try to take it in.

"What's going to happen now?" I ask and a lump forms in my throat.

"You're being relocated..." I groan.

"Another city?" I ask but he tenses.

"No..." he says slowly. "We're going almost completely off grid..." I frown.

"What do you mean 'off grid'?" I ask starting to get irritated.

"We are going to a very small town... there's only a few people... that's what we need to do... it seems as though that guy has very long fingers. So this is just on a need to know basis." I close my mouth as we drive home.

We pull up to the small house I just got used to calling my home. "Grab what you need, we need to leave in about an hour max."

We hop out and I immediately begin throwing clothes into one of the bags. K starts to take apart the crib and packs our trinkets in a separate box. I hear Eric moving around in the room next door. I shove Caleb's baby grows and all his toiletries in another bag. Once the bag is full, I put it in the doorway.

"We need to leave in 10 mins." His voice echoes through the house. I look over at my husband and see the expression that represents my feeling at this moment. Fear and anger.

I go to the bathroom and throw all the toiletries and towels in a bag. I place the bag outside in the small hallway, Eric takes it immediately and goes to pack it into the car. I start to look through the cupboards and drawers to make sure that we have everything.

"Come on. Let's go!" He shouts from the doorway, K grabs Caleb and heads to the car. I'm following behind him when I remember something. I run back inside "Desiree!" Eric calls out after me but I'm already back in the house.

I open the drawer and pull it completely out. I grab the picture from there and run back to the car. I jump in breathless. "What the hell did you go back for?!" He shouts and I see the rage in his eyes.

"This." I turn the photo of me and the twins around for him to see. He stares at it before turning back to look forward. He starts the car and we drive off away from the place I just got used to being my home.

After a few hours of driving, which might I add was hell as Caleb didn't like sitting in his chair for a few hours, we arrive in a small town. It looks deserted, if I wasn't told that it was a small town I would assume it was a ghost town.

We drive on a rough dirt road towards what looks like an abandoned farm house. "You've got to be shitting me..." K says from the front. He took the words right out of my mouth.

"I'm sorry but this is the safest option at the moment. If it helps... you can call each other by your previous names..." this just infuriates me.

"You think that's some kind of consolation? Bullshit." I let my anger flow out of me but I feel my fear return.

"Dianne... do you want Jay to find you?" He hisses out and I feel my throat close. "Because if you don't then you will make do with what we have..." I shut my mouth. We stop and get out, the sun is starting to sink and the sky is turning to black. Now we are in the middle of nowhere. And we will be here until either Jay is caught or he finds us... just great...

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