Chapter 27

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Detective Jordan

We drive, or well more like I drive until it's light. Grant and Elizabeth passed out, and both are still asleep. They passed out roughly around the 3 hour mark.

While they insisted I needed to get some rest as well, I declined the offer because I can't sleep. Not until we have Dianne and Jayden is in our custody. The sun has just started to rise above the horizon and I'm almost by the house.

Grant stirs and grunts a few times as he wakes up. I feel his stare but I ignore it. "Jordan..." he says with his gruff voice.

"We're almost there." I say as I look ahead, there in the distance is the house. "Elizabeth... Hey Elizabeth, wake up we're almost there." I look at her through the rearview mirror, her eyes flutter a bit before she sits up and lets out a lazy yawn.

I don't realize I'm staring at her until she makes eye contact with me. I quickly look at the road before me as I feel the heat rise to my cheeks.

It's quiet as I pull into the driveway.

The car he drove is infront of the door. The house where Dianne's life hangs in the balance is now within my reach.

I stop the car behind his and I look at the other two in the car with me. "What if... what if it's another ambush?" Elizabeth asks quietly from behind.

I shrug. "How do we not go in and try to save her? Especially knowing she is in there?" I counter and motion to the door.

I get out the car first and immediately draw my weapon out. We make our way to the door, when we reach the door I hesitate. What if it is a trap? What if I lose-

My thoughts are cut off by a familiar voice. "Come on in Detectives..." he says from the inside.

"How do we know it's not a setup Jayden?" I ask.

I hear him laugh. "I've got what I need... I don't want any of you anymore..." I shiver at the icy tone of his voice.

I take a breath and open the door but I remain behind the wall of the house. No knives or any kind of weapon come flying towards the door.

"But... I do want to play a game..." I frown and look at a terrified Grant who is trying to hide it. And Elizabeth is as white as a ghost.

"I'll let her go... only after I get to ask a few questions..." Grant shakes his head violently.

"What do you want Jayden?" I ask. Grant groans and Elizabeth looks like she's gonna pass out.

"Throw your weapons... all of them... throw them outside, away from the house." Like I'm on autopilot, I discard my gun and my backup. I throw them down in the direction he instructed them to go.

Grant and Elizabeth take much longer to do the same but eventually we all are unarmed.

"Come in." He says simply. I take a deep breath and without looking at the two people behind me, knowing I'll change my mind if I look at them, I walk inside.

The lounge is untouched. I walk deeper into the house, looking as I go. There's blood by the stairs. My blood runs cold.

"To the kitchen..." I follow the voice. I look at the dining area as I pass. The dining table has some devices and equipment on it and a chair missing, I tear my eyes away from the battery with probes on the table.

I hear two pairs of footsteps behind me, following me. As I get to the kitchen, I see Dianne. My heart shatters into a billion pieces and I feel a lump form in my throat. Gasps sound from behind me.

She is strapped onto a chair, her head is lying limply to one side. Her face is a fierce red with blisters, her arms are covered in cigarette burns and what looks like a fork blister. Her body is covered in either open or big blisters. There are literally burnt pieces of skin on her chest.

I begin to make my way to her, to save her, to end her suffering.

"Tsk tsk Detective Jordan..." he says and makes me stop dead in my tracks, I hear a whimper from behind me. I turn around and see him holding Elizabeth with a knife against her throat. "Take a seat." He orders.

Grant and I sit at the island counter. He pushes Elizabeth towards us. She stumbles but catches herself, she climbs onto a chair as well. All three of us watch the black haired monster walks behind the counter towards Dianne.

"Now... I'm going to ask some questions... if you lie... or I think you are not being honest..." he pushes the knife into her shoulder, she whimpers as the blade digs into her skin.

"Okay." I say but he continues, the tip of the blade is in her shoulder, when he twists the knife. Her eyes open slightly and a pathetic screech comes out of her mouth. "Fucking hell Jayden! I said okay dammit!" I slam my hand on the counter getting his attention.

He removes the knife and points it at me. "Don't get cocky with me Detective!" He spits out at me. "I'm willing to spare her life so don't fucking talk back to me!"

Everything is silent except for Dianne's heavy breathing.

"Now." He taps the side of the knife against his chin. "Who killed her father?"

My mouth must hit the counter because he gives me a death stare and Grant stiffens next to me.

"I'm not gonna ask again. Give me a truthful answer and she." He points to the almost completely lifeless Dianne. "She can be saved and I will let you cuff me." I nod my head and swallow hard.

"Now, who killed her father?"

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