Chapter 19

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Detective Jordan

We touch down finally, I don't know what's worse... the jet lag or the pain of our injuries. I've just gotten off the plane with the others when my phone rings. I don't recognize the number but answer anyways. "Jord-' I begin but I hear a very loud sob. And a baby screaming non-stop. "Kyle? What's wrong?" I ask but I know what it is.

"S-she... she's g-gone!" He screams and begins crying louder and harder again. My heart breaks but I knew he had her before we got on the plane... Grant and Elizabeth look at me as they can hear the cries over the phone. Elizabeth has a very broken expression and Grant has an expression I've never seen before on his face.

"Kyle? Tell me what happened." But I hear a thud soon after my question and realise he has dropped the phone. "Kyle?" I try again, but his and the baby's cries are the only thing that answer me. "Kyle!" I try again but nothing. No response. I'm about to end the call and phone Spencer, but I hesitate when I hear something.

I hear a few curses being muttered very faintly over the loud cries. Some movement and I gather the phone is being picked up. "Kyle are you okay? Can you handle Caleb?" It's Spencer. But he gets no response. "Kyle?" He tries again but the poor kid doesn't respond. "Oh fuck it." I hear him mumble and the cries get fainter.

"Spencer?" I ask as I hear a door close.

"Yeah... the kid has been like this since he found the note..." he says and I sigh very heavily.

"When was this? What did the note say?" I ask him as we get to the taxi waiting for us, I hold my hand over the phone and say to the driver. "Parkside hotel please." He nods his head and the two following me get in next to me. Making us look like a tin of sardines. Not to mention the different degrees of pain we all are feeling because of being squashed together.

"Its been about an hour or maybe two. I don't know... he hasn't stopped crying..." I lean my head against the window and try to think of where he would take her. "The letter... basically sounded like a farewell..." a knot forms in my stomach. "I'll send you a photo of it... let me know if you hear or get anything."

With that the call ended. I hold my phone and wait for the picture to come through.

As soon as we hit the main road my phone buzzes. I open the picture and study it. As I finish reading it, all that I'm wondering is how fast we can find her... but by the way things have been going... not very fast. I sigh.

"What's wrong?" Grant leans forward to look at me, seeing that Elizabeth is in between us. I just pass him the phone and watch his reaction. First his eyebrows raise as he realizes it's a message from Dianne and then they furrow and his lips form a thin straight line. "Fuck... I understand why the kid is in the state he is in." He says.

Elizabeth gets her turn to read it and she sighs while shaking her head. "We need to find her... and soon..."

I nod my head in agreement. We pull up infront of the hotel and get out. We find our room and start phoning different people trying to get a location on this bastard. Elizabeth is speaking to the FBI intelligence unit about tracking his phone and Grant is using some connections he has to track down the location of when last the car was seen.

I'm currently on the line with a Confidential Informant that says he spoke to Reginald. "Okay so tell me. Where was Reginald when you spoke to him?" I don't bother to ask why as I know my CI is a low level drug dealer and probably sold to Reginald.

They Are Mine And Mine Only. (Book 2 of Mine And Mine Only)Where stories live. Discover now